The WTS has "dumbed down" for decades. They want dumb people. They encourage people to be dumb. Dumb is "spiritual" in dubland.
: instead are feeding the rank and file and the "doubters" that dare question the changing doctrine, with a couple of what they feel are key "truths".
: 1) Who else is using God's name today?
Let's say you were God. Let's also say that since you created everything that exists except yourself, you chose a name for yourself. Let's say that since water is the source of life for most living things, you gave yourself the name "Water." To continue, let's say you were such a narcissist that you considered it a majorly big deal that your higher level creation knew that name, revered that name, and used that name and that name only when talking about YOU. Let's further say that you created a language for your "chosen people" that had no vowels in it's written form. In that case, your name would be written as "wtr." Originally, people knew exactly what vowels went where in that name and how to pronounce that name with those vowels.
Let's also say that over time, those exact vowels and that exact pronunciation of Your name became lost for whatever reason and you did nothing to straighten things out. This means either you are a lazy God or you don't give a rat.
Then, this petty little religion in the late 19th Century and more importantly in the early 20th Century takes a commonly-used, but highly disputed approach of using certain vowels and a certain pronunciation that most scholars scoff at, and claim that they are "using God's name," while others are using the pronunciation of "Waiter" instead of "Water." Or "Witar". Or "Wytur?" Or "Wootir?" So who is "using God's name and who isn't? Since as God, you haven't taken any measure to set people straight, should one be forced to believe that "Jehovah", which might be "close" to the "name(tm)" means anything more significant than "Yahweh", which might also be "close" to the "name(tm)?" God might consider that people referring to him as "Herman" are jerks, but are those who pray to him and use the name "Yahweh" evil and those who pray to him and use the name "Jehovah" not evil, when no knows for sure what his "name(tm)" really is anymore?
Any God who insists he be called by his name (or else) should at least be nice enough to tell us explicitly what it is. Any god who insists he be called by his name (or else) and doesn't bother to help us out about what his name really is, is at best a prankster with a great sense of humor, or a shitty God, or doesn't exist. Take your pick. None of the choices are good.
:2) Who else are doing "God's work" of preaching the good news of the kingdom?
The "good news" involves the biggest mass-genocide of humans ever. Nothing good about that, except for those to run around and sell books that talk about it and selfishly long to get the biggest home in Beverly Hills after it is over.
Dubs have always been dumbed down. The WTS could not exist if dubs had a shred of commen sense!