NEW JW PEDOPHILE POLL - Requested by Attorney

by Amazing 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Hi Everyone: After discussing this with the attrorney, we decided to conduct a new Poll to assure we are able to contact newer members to the board, continue to validate the analysis being prepared, and to seek leads for new cases. Please respond if you have not participated in this Poll before. If you have responded before, but want to comment or keep this on a BTTT basis, then feel free to do so.

    Here are the basic standards to follow:

    1. If you know of any JW molesters in any country of the world, please state how many. You do not need to have been an Elder or even a JW ... just state how many JW molesters you know of for a fairly reasonable certainty.

    2. If you know of any JW Victims of JW molesters in any country of the world, please state how many. You do not need to have been an Elder or even a JW ... just state how many JW Victims you know of for a fairly reasonable certainty.

    3. You do not have to qualify your responses nor worry about whether you have all the facts, nor how long ago this information came to you. Even if your information is not directly used due to age, it is possible that the JW pedophile has continued in his/her unlawful conduct, and leads can help track them down for more current acts.

    4. If your information is applicable to the State of CALIFORNIA, we are especially interested at this time (other States are just as important, but we have a Statutory time limit in California that is unique. So please add a statement if the informaiton or part of the information is applicable to the State of California.

    5. If you are concerned with responding on this post, feel free to e-mail your response to [email protected]. If you are concerned about me having your e-mail, set up a FREE Hotmail account just to transmit your information, or PM me on this board.

    6. I will discuss the Poll Results with the Attorney. At a near future date, I will PM each of you who respond to request your permission to supply your information and hopefully e-mail to the attorney.

    7. Purpose and use of the information is to reach ALL 50 States, and if the case is located outside the USA, then attorneys in your country of origin will be contacted for a referral.

    8. In some cases you may know of victims but not the molesters, and in other cases know of molesters, but not know any victims. That is okay. State what you know.

    9. If you want to respond and state that you did not know any victims or molesters, that is fine. It will be used to made the data statistically valid.

    10. The more responses we have, the better, as the law of large numbers make data analysis statistically more accurate.

    Here is a SAMPLE Poll Response:

    1. I knew 6 JW molesters, 4 of these JW molesters were in the State of California ( if applicable)

    2. I knew 17 JW victims of JW molesters, 8 of these JW Victims were in the State of California

    3. I have been in 9 different congregations, 6 of these congregations were in the State of California

    Thanks again for your help by responding. Again, if you do not want to post in the open, please PM or e-mail me. If you have already responded to the other Poll or already given me information, then you do not need to respond. The results will be tallied and analyzed. Then you will be asked to help provide information on a voluntary basis to the attorney.

    Please understand that as a result, a serious case based on initially limited information is now in the courts. There are more posts to follow as things heat up to the Day of Reckoning !!! This is gonna be good !

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I responded to your first poll but want to amend the answer and add your second question

    1. If you know of any JW molesters in any country of the world, please state how many. You do not need to have been an Elder or even a JW ... just state how many JW molesters you know of for a fairly reasonable certainty.

    8 molesters who were either baptized JWs (1 elder and 4 baptized) or associated (the children of (2) or studying (1) and far enough along to be going door to door. I know of all these cases for sure. They were all in Canada although the elder originally came from England and was abusing his daughter while they were in our congregation. It was later reported in the newspapers here in Canada. All other cases are within my family

    2. If you know of any JW Victims of JW molesters in any country of the world, please state how many. You do not need to have been an Elder or even a JW ... just state how many JW Victims you know of for a fairly reasonable certainty.

    8 victims of the above. The elder's daughter and the rest (7) are all victims within my family so I am sure of them. All are within Canada. Most victims had more than one abuser and most abusers had more than one victim (except the elder and daughter)

    Feel free to pass this info on if needed

    Yeah I come from a crazy family

  • berylblue

    I know only of one of which I am absolutely certain. An older (spiritual) brother molesting a younger brother. The younger brother tried time and again to tell the elders. No one would listen. The man is a wreck because of it. He ended up getting DF for smoking; the molester is a JW in good standing. The survivor is a beautiful young man, but absolutely shows the scars of being abused.

    There are others of which I am fairly certain, but IMO fairly certain is not enough. This happened in South Jersey, US.

  • badolputtytat

    1. I have known 4 JW molesters. 2 were in the state of North Carolina, and 2 were in the state of Virginia.(U.S.A.)To my knowledge 1 of these is no longer a JW.

    2.I knew approximately 12 victims. 8 of these were in the state of North Carolina (6 of the 8 were in a single family). The rest were in the state of Virginia.

    3.I have been in 3 congregations. 2 of these were in the state of North Carolina. 1 of these was in the state of Virginia. (this excludes my current "activities" in the state of Georgia.)

    4.I will discuss what I know with an attorney. You have my permission to use/give my e-mail address to an attorney. (I believe you have my address, but if not, pm me)

  • myself

    1. I knew 3 JW molesters, 2 of these JW molesters were in the State of Tennesee, 1 in the State of Michigan.

    2. I knew 11 JW victims of JW molesters, 9 of these JW Victims were in the State of Tennessee, 2 were in the State of Michigan

    3. I have been in 4 different JW congregations, 3 of these JW congregations were in the State of Tennessee, 1 in the State of Michigan. The 11 victims of molestation in Tennessee were in two JW congregations regularly visited.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Thanks for the poll Amazing.

    I've already been in touch with the attorney and I can vouch for their authenticity. They are doing good work and I wish the cause all the best.

  • Jim Dee
    Jim Dee

    I know personally of 3 JW Child Molesters in the UK

    1 was a MS until recently

    1 is now in Jail

    1 Lives in spain

    My Brother knows of one 1 in Merseyside (Chester area)

    My wife knows of two (2) in Newcastle upon Tyne - both are active JWs (One is a MS)


  • Loris

    Out of 8 congregations; 2 in California, 1 in Oregon, 1 in Arkansas, 4 in Florida;

    In Florida I know of three older teens; two baptized, one the son of a so-called anointed one, who sodomized the younger half-brother of two of them. It was hushed up. Later when the victim was an adult and kicked out for being gay his mother told me that he had initiated the attack. She feels that the older brothers were not guilty of wrongdoing. I have spoken to the attorney about that case.

    Also in the same cong. My daughter was molested by her non-JW father. It was handled just as bad as any other case. After he was arrested my husband called an elder and requested a Bible study. I was told to pray more, teach my children to be better Christians and to not discuss it with anyone. I was also told that since he denied the charges I did not have grounds for a divorce.

    In another cong. in Florida I know of a man who has a history of molestation before becoming a JW. I know about him only because his step-daughter hinted that I should keep my eye on my grandaughter.

    Reading the other poll made me sick. I will not read any more on this thread. It is just too hard.


  • borgfree

    I know of (2) molesters, both in the state of Ohio, both in Greenville. One was convicted of molesting his own child. The other, I was told, was a MS when he molested a child, he later molested at least 2 more. Each time he was given reproof. Later he moved to another city in Ohio and I have no further information on him.


    ps: I told people for years that I did not know of a molesting case, personally. One day, while thinking about the molester mentioned above, I realized that I did, indeed, know of a case. I wonder how many of us might "surpress" some memories that, at the time, was not favorable to the WT.

  • Joker10

    I've been in 2 California congregations and have known and heard ZERO child molesters.

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