Prison of the Future--Cruel and Unusual?

by IronGland 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • IronGland

    Imagine a few years in the future when it is possible to remove the brain from the body and keep it alive artificially. Everything that is 'you' is contained in your brain. So, even though it would appear to simply be a lump of meat plugged into a life support machine, you would be trapped inside of it. Imagine the horror. No,None, Zero sensory input. No sight, smell, taste,hearing. just a black void, nothing but your own thoughts. How long before before insanity? Can you imagine spending years this way, locked inside your own brain? Shudder.


    Oh, and when responding, please don't quote lyrics from a certain Metallica song.

  • Aztec

    Brat! Now I have that song stuck in my head.

    Where do you come up with these disturbing ideas? Is it the creepy bear in your avatar? Have you been drinking too many Icee's?


  • IronGland

    I was thinking of it last night before going to sleep. I tried to imagine what it would be like to essentially be thoughts in a void. Of course there are parapalegics, people in comas etc, but there is still at some sensory input. If your brain were removed, would there be anything like sleep without a body? If so, after a few days, dreams and consousness would merge into a kind of hell. And you couldn't even scream. It may be a good way to interrogate someone though. Ask the question and if they dont answer, remove thfrom the body for a few days and then put it back in and ask if they are ready to talk. I imagine anyone would talk rather than return to that black pit.

  • Aztec

    Are you sure? I think the Icee bear is giving you ideas.

    I wouldn't last more than 5 minutes. I'm far too social.


  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Actually, you've stated what has been called Descartes' Error - that everything that makes us who we are lives in our brains.

    Our entire bodies are involved with experiencing the world, feeling emotions, etc. Check out Pulitzer winner Antonio Damasio's book Descartes' Error - Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain. This is from the Amazon page:

    The idea that the mind exists as a distinct entity from the body has profoundly influenced Western culture since Descartes proclaimed, "I think, therefore I am." Damasio, head of neurology at the University of Iowa and a prominent researcher on human brain function, challenges this premise in a fascinating and well-reasoned argument on the central role that emotion and feelings play in human rationality. According to Damasio, the same brain structures regulate both human biology and behavior and are indispensable to normal cognitive processes. Damasio demonstrates how patients (his own as well as the 19th-century railroad worker Nicholas Gage) with prefrontal cortical damage can no longer generate the emotions necessary for effective decision-making. A gifted scientist and writer, Damasio combines an Oliver Sack-like reportage with the presentation of complex, theoretical issues in neurobiology.

    Pioneering scientist Damasio's international reputation is based on his explorations into the neurology of vision, memory, and language. His influence will extend far beyond the parameters of the scientific community with this marvelously lucid and engaging presentation of his innovative ideas about the interconnectedness of mind and body. Damasio begins with some dramatic case histories of people who have survived brain damage without severe physical impairment only to experience bizarre degradations of personality and thought processes. He explains these puzzling maladies by analyzing the various systems at work in the brain, from those associated with life support to the highest echelon of cognition. After discussing how emotions and feelings are expressed by the bodypounding heart, trembling hands, blushingDamasio launches into one of his main themes: how essential emotions are to our ability to reason and make decisions. As he illuminates numerous ways the body and the mind work together to process stimuli, draw upon memory, and fuel thought and judgment, Damasio convinces us that the self is a perpetually recreated neurobiological state. Descartes' error, then, was his belief that the mind and body are separate entities. On the contrary, Damasio tells us, their continual collaboration is the key to consciousness and individuality.

  • IronGland

    Agreed Phantom. The brain would not function correctly without sensory input. I tried to imagine what it would feel like. Or think like. How would the person experience this? As the brain was disconnected from the body,everything would go black, and I would no longer feel my body. I would still have my thoughts and memory. How long before insanity? If say, after a year, you put the brain back in the body and had the technology to repair nerve damage, would 'the lights come back on' and everything be normal again or would the person be so mentally messed up from this experience that they would never be normal?

    Keep in mind, im assuming much better surgical technology than we have today and there is no brain damage from lack of oxygen or the procedure itself. The only damage is from isolating the brain from the body.

  • Satanus

    If there is truth in astral travel theories, and spirit body theories, then the spirit body could decide to carry on on it's own. The brain could become just an outpost, visited occasionally by the mind/spirit. You could label this as insanity or delusion, i suppose. Anyway, the condition of the mind would not necesarily be hell. It could be a whole universe (real, or delusional, it would not matter to the mind) of exploration to the liberated mind or spirit.

    When the brain was rebodied, possibly it may return to our reality, but the mind may be upset at this, preferring it's other reality.


  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Check out the book, hemo-organ :)

    I won't attempt to paraphrase... but the nature and experience of memory would also be changed, I believe. I forgot to mention that he deals with the exact thought experiment that you posted - head in a jar.

  • hillary_step


    No,None, Zero sensory input. No sight, smell, taste,hearing. just a black void, nothing but your own thoughts .

    It has already been done:

  • Nosferatu

    My guess is that you would be continually dreaming. You cannot be conscious without input from other body parts.

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