There are those JW's whom love to say that we are going back to the horse and cart and all that tosh and that there would be no more machines, industry etc etc. I would show them the AA (after armageddon) piccies and say 'well how did the clothes get made, who made the metal spade, who will make the sinks and the toilets, the bricks for the houses, saws to cut the wood, your cups and saucers (for tea of course) and the paper for the books and everything you take for granted now you dunderheads' They really P'd me off with their narrow stupidity. They would say soething stupid like 'well jehovah will show us new ways' Yeah right. plonkers.
WTS says "There will be no more tradesmen after Armageddon"!
by ozziepost 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
"plonkers" - now there's a word I haven't heard in a while! And so appropriate. Having said that, I used to say there would be no industry or technology and that after A it would be a return to living like Abraham, but I only said it to freak out all the big fat Western softies.
scotsman (who still occasionally plonks)
Frannie Banannie
Oz? Mebbe not so bizarre (sic?) ....after all....the term "tradesmen" includes the JWs, dudnit? Don't they "sell" their wares for profit?....don't care if they call it "donations" isn't donations....
Frannie B
The designation Canaanite was synonymous with "tradesman". Such persons, who seek to make selfish, commercial profit out of the most sacred thing on earth.....................And there will be none such..........."
I just thought they were trying to impress upon the point that there wouldn't be falsehood in the new system.Why does a synonymous name used make it a weird teaching? They have always taught people would build houses etc. I 'm a dummy and didn't get the point.As for tradsemen being something to perve over( and that is a damn funny name for that)....have you guys ever smelt them guys after workin? B.O. up the ying yang! I did just learn something though.
If monkey who is a male gay, thinks tradesman are sexy as females do.......then is a female gene in him where a male gene should be.....and that's why he thinks different than a straight man? Way off topic I know, but maybe a PM on this.