Two dubs approach a door and one of them ever-so-quietly knocks.....
Dub gives standard starting presentation about how screwed up everything is in the world, and about the "wonderful" promise God has made to us to fix it all....
"Don't you people believe that your God will kill everyone who isn't a member of your religion?"
"That isn't for us to say. Only God can judge hearts."
"It certainly is for you to say! Doesn't your religion teach that very thing?"
"No, it doesn't."
"Well then, can you show me anywhere in your written teachings that say that people who practice other religions will also be saved?"
"I can't show you this right now. Is there a reason for asking this question?"
"Yes, and a very good one at that. Suppose a women in your religion was married to a kind and loving man who did not believe your religion. Yet, he was a terrific father and husband. His wife was deeply in love with him. Wouldn't she be thrilled to see in print that your religion teaches he could be spared destruction by God if he didn't join your religion? I'm sure your religious leaders know that many spouses in your religion are in this situation and all they would have to do is to clearly declare that people of other religions who are good and decent will be spared his wrath. Yet, virtually no person in your religion has been able to show me anywhere within your religion that teaches God will spare any but your own members when the end of the world comes."
"That being said, let me ask you something else: do you believe that atheists are selfish people?"
"Well, they've denied their responsibility to do what God requires of humans. By denying any responsibility to God, they've given themselves the ability to do anything they want. They can be immoral, child abusers, criminals, and even murderers because they don't think they will have to account to the Creator for their actions. That makes them VERY selfish people, doesn't it?"
"Are you saying that there are NO atheists who are moral, decent people, loving parents and law-abiding?"
"No. I'm sure there are atheists who live decent lives."
"Of course there are! The majority of people in prisons around the world are not atheists. So, if an atheist chooses to be a moral and good person without expecting any sort of eternal reward from God, the only motivation to be good is because he or she feels being good is the right thing to do. Would you agree with that?"
"Well, I guess so."
"That means such atheists are very un-selfish. It can be no other way. Their only payoff is the good feeling they receive by being kind to others, and there is nothing very selfish about that. Now, let me ask you why you talk to people at their doorsteps."
"We do this because we care for people and want to help them serve God in the way that is pleasing to him."
"But you do this in anticipation of receiving eternal life as the reward for doing this, don't you? And don't you believe that if you DON'T do this your God will KILL you? Aren't you therefore doing this mainly to save your butts, and would you be doing this if God told you you would receive your reward whether you did this or not? Be honest about this: your motives are extremely selfish, aren't they? Aren't you just drooling over the prospect of getting the fancy cars and Beverly Hills mansions when your God kills your enemies and gives you your reward?"
"Well, obviously, you're not interested in our message, so we will leave now. But I just want you to know that we really do care about you and your spiritual welfare, because we are taught to love our neighbors as ourselves. Have a nice day."
One dub to another dub as they walk to the next house, "Boy, that guy was really a jerk. Will HE ever be surprised when God squashes him and his family likes bugs at Armageddon! Wanna go get some fresh coffee and doughnuts?"
Epilogue: While there are some dubs who really do love their neighbors and sincerely want to help them, the general mindset of dubs is just as I've described and experienced. One has to seriously question the sincerity of those who serve God simply to save their butts and gain an eternal reward (in whatever religion they practice). Such people are infinitely more dishonest about their "goodness" than athetists who practice only good. As we've seen throughout history and to this very day, people will even murder innocent people if they strongly believe that God will reward them for all eternity for doing so.
"Dear God: please protect me from your true believers." - Mark Twain