I'm Spoiled Can You Tell?

by Valis 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    So I have big problems with our school's online learning software..it basically sucks real bad and this semester has been terrible. All my docs for my class disappeared when they "upgraded the system...it is a mess. We couldn't even access it until the very first day of class, which coincided with the SoBIG virus calamity..Very irritating and hard for me to get any continuity going on. We get these emails from the online learning center that are "well we're sorry, but that's just the way it is and please don't respond to this message"....Today I was very close to calling instead of emailing...So I responded to their latest hald assed apology today, although I had to go digging for the admin's real address...he used a fake one when he sent out his blanket message...I hope he replies, but I wanted to bring to your attention one line in my letter that proves I'm spoilt when it comes to DBs...*LOL*

    I notice you didn't use your real email address when you sent out your latest letter. I can only wonder why....(insert sarcasm)First off...the new Blackboard looks like a downgrade...the incessant reciepts you have to click through, the discussion board that looks like some dial in BBS from the early nineties, no chat room that
    works...all my documents hosed. That's what you call a "seamless" system? More like once again we got sold a"bill of goods"...I remember way back when we bought into the datatel system...trouble from day one, so I guess this should be no suprise..Early on you admitted to having been caught with your
    pants down...I want to know why you waited so long to have the system available? Do ya think if it would have been available to instructors earlier we could have reloaded a lot of our own docs and not been so terribly annoyed with you and the new system? A goof? Bad planning? What? In a corporate world some heads would surely roll when something like this happened, but I guess in an educational institution an apology gets you off the hook. Must be nice....sheesh..

    Travis Bush
    El Centro


    District Overbeer

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Valis, I'd say your account there is going to have problems from now on.

  • Valis

    eheh...I have my own server and as soon as I found out everything had gone to hell in a handbasket I uploaded all my docs and just have my students click though to my site, at up gobs of my webspace, but hey.....BTW, I'm not worried about that...two can play at that game...eheheh


    District Overbeer

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Another example of Valis displaying the eternal wisdom that earned District Overbeer status.

    Just for that, I'm going to pop open a Michelob.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Maybe more pissed than spoiled.

    I'm new here but hopefully one day I'll attain the status of spoiled brat. Or any other spoiled "B" word that comes to mind.

  • Valis

    Watch it Stacy! I resemble that remark...*LOL*


    District Overbeer of the "Spoilt Brat" class

  • heathen

    Did you send them a picture of your pierced nipple to show them you mean buisness ? lol

  • tinkerbell82

    isn't it great to be spoiled! =D

  • joannadandy
    All my docs for my class disappeared when they "upgraded the system...it is a mess.

    First your school floods, now this? Sheesh dude, what kind of butthole university do you teach at? Remind me not to apply there for a job!

    Just kiddin--sorry you're having so many problems. As if getting a class together wasn't enough work right?

  • Valis

    eh Jo...tell me about it.......I've recieved a reply from the admin and he actually sounds like a nice guy....still needs a serious kick in the pants, but a nice guy....

    tink...yep...now where is my sippy cup?!

    heathen...of course I did..


    District Overbeer


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