Clinton Lied (What Did He Know and When Did He Know It)

by Yerusalyim 51 Replies latest social current

  • DIM

    I like Clinton much better than Bush, but Bush is much better than Gore. The only all of these political problems are going to be resoloved is by God's kingdom. Take Jesus into your heart. Praise Jesus.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Utopian... you know, your pithy little statement could well have been made by the pro-Nazi Charles Lindburg in 1938...

    "30 years from now, when as a public we begin answering and dealing with the consequences of another generation of veterans who were lied to and taken advantage of, where will all of the ROOSEVELT supporters hide?

    When you post pictures and flags and rally with hurrahs, remember you are encouraging the process to continue putting sons and daughters in harm's way for politics, money and religion. There is no honor in dying in GERMANY. Neither Hughes nor Kaiser, nor Britain plan to share any of the wealth they acquire with any of the families of fallen americans. They will become richer while families receive telegrams, letters, a flag and a funeral."

  • Swickley

    Dim -- you are Yeru are meant for one another (two dim bulbs).

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Eddie Izzard, transvestitie comedian, in his show Dressed to Kill:

    "For years the American government lied to the Native Americans... and then the American president lied about a relationship, and everyone was surprised!

    I think there should be levels of perjury - we have levels of murder, there's Murder One, Murder Two - we should have levels of perjury, where Perjury One is saying there was no Holocaust when millions of people died in it, and Perjury...Nine is when you shagged someone and said you didn't."

  • freeman


    I find myself troubled by a few comments you made. For example, you said:

    Knowingly including lies (i.e. Iraq attempting to acquire uranium from Africa) in his State of the Union Address in order to drum up support for the war in Iraq? After all, the White House website stated he reviews the Address line by line and word by word, and the buck stops with the President right? Oh I know. That can't possibly be his fault for including a lie.

    I’m wondering what you may know about this subject that I don’t know from both my public and private sources. Exactly what words are lies? British Intelligence claims to have distinct and separate intelligence apart from the one single report that was questioned, so just what are you talking about?? I find it odd that they to this very day they stand by their stated position. A position, which you claim to be a lie. I am wondering what you know about this matter that both British Intelligence and I don’t seem to know.

    Another thing you said that has me troubled is this comment:

    Stating that the justification for the war was that the Iraqi regime possessed weapons of mass destruction and posed an imminent threat to the United States and it's allies, thereby warranting a "preemptive strike" to prevent a catastrophe.. and 5 months after the war is over and the US military possesses sovereignty over the Iraqi state.. NO weapons of mass destruction are found?

    I’m wondering yet again where you get your information. I though I paid pretty close attention to what the president said in the days, weeks, and months, before the war and I don’t ever recall the word ‘imminent threat’ being uttered by him, perhaps I missed that. I do however recall the phrase ‘building or gather threat’ being used, but I just don’t recall him ever saying Iraq was an imminent threat.

    As far as not finding WMDs, I have to say no comment on this one. All I will say on the matter is that you are at odds with persons that are cognoscente of what has been found thus far.

    Here is yet another thing you said that I found interesting:

    George Bush going before the public in 2002 and criticizing the unethical corporate practices of Enron and Worldcom, in which CEO's sold their shares and cashed out with millions a week before the bottom fell out, leaving shareholders and regular workers out to dry when he himself sold his shares in Harken Oil stock 10 years ago and committed the same egregious offense of using insider knowledge for trading purposes. I suppose it was "ethical" and "legal" then eh since he did it?

    So let me get this straight, Mr. Bush as a private citizen holds stock in a company, he has a need for cash so he sells his shares to finance a business venture, namely to buy into a baseball team. This lawful action somehow equates Mr. Bush in your mind with people that did illegal things? I buy and sell stock too, so just what am I doing that is illegal? I’m sorry I just don’t get that. Why was it wrong for Mr. Bush to finance the purchase of a baseball team with the sale of some stock? Specifically what law was violated and what was his punishment for this wrongdoing?

    Be patient I’m almost done. You also state this:

    The Commander-in-Chief you so respect is a deserting soldier. National Guard records and Bush's own supervisor's and friends show no sign of him attending any drills or performing any service for nearly a year, from May 1972 until May 1973. This period began with Bush moving to Alabama for a political campaign. He was AWOL in the Texas Air National Guard!

    A deserting soldier faces the consequences of being court marshaled, put in military prison, and then being dishonorably discharged. During a time of war, he can in fact be shot. Well I did a bit of checking and I cannot for the life of me seem to find any info about Mr. Bush’s court marshal. Not a word was found about his incarceration in military prison, or subsequent dishonorable discharge. I’m also fairly confident that he was not shot by a firing-squad since they tend to not miss. So I‘m wondering just how do you draw these conclusions?

    And one last final point you make:

    Bush was arrested on September 4, 1976 for drunk driving at the age of 30. Do you brush this aside as the mistake of a youth? 30 is a bit old for that excuse. Oh wait.. you wanted integrity.. I suppose a convicted drunk driver fits the bill.

    Well I think you nailed him there. Sure enough, he was drinking while driving some years ago and the dope was caught. In fact, his drinking was so bad that he now considers himself an alcoholic. Moreover, he should, because he is and he knows it. He knows that he is the type of guy that can’t just have one or two drinks and call it a night and that’s why he doesn’t drink at all anymore. I won’t comment on his drinking too much more as I have a few alcoholics in my family myself (all on my wifes side ) but perhaps your right, I would not like to see any of my alcoholic family be considered for the office of president, so maybe you have a valid point there.

    No hard feelings, but you seem to be unabashedly anti-Bush. Are you? Maybe just a tad, yes?

    I just don’t see how logic brings one to support some of these positions you have taken. Maybe your personal feelings for Mr. Bush is clouding your judgment just a bit, is that possible?

    Again, I concede that I could be entirely wrong if you are indeed privy to information that everyone else seems to be unaware of but only you would know that for sure.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Brilliant Freeman! Kudos.

    I have never heard such blatant "stupidity and ignorance"

    hmmmm, I guess you never heard our governor (California) Grey Davis speak. Better hurry and catch him if you can, he's out of here in a month.

  • Yerusalyim


    Dim -- you are Yeru are meant for one another (two dim bulbs).

    Typical Liberal...long on criticism...short on solutions.

    Good Post Freeman.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Boy...the "Bush Lied" thread stayed darned civil compared to this one :)

    Boys, boys...Clinton and Bush are the two most inflammatory and divisive presidents we've had. They are very polarizing personalities. I know intelligent people who like Bush. I personally wouldn't loan him my car. Now, I wouldn't loan Clinton my car either, but I think he would be a fascinating dinner companion, and I voted for him twice. This is a potentially fruitful area for discussion, if the name-calling can turn wayyyy down.

    No one is proven to be either an idiot or a knave for supporting either Bush or Clinton.

    "Can't we all just get along?" Rodney King, during the Los Angeles riots

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Now, I wouldn't loan Clinton my car either, but I think he would be a fascinating dinner companion,

    Sure, as long as your wife or daughter are safely tucked away.

  • logansrun

    I do have to admit that Yeru's political and religious ideas seem rather two-dimensional at times or, rather, all the time. No, Clinton wasn't a "Great Guy" (tm). NEITHER is Bush Jr. Who would I rather have as our leader? I'll take blow jobs and prosperity over prayer breakfasts and body bags any day.


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