Waco attack on Kingdom Hall

by Aprostate Exam 32 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • jhine

    As already said we don't know the whole story The homeless guy çould be suffering from some untreated mental health problem . The whole thing is just very sad and scary for those seeing the violence , so let's hope that if the man does have need for treatment , rather than just punishment , that he gets help .


  • Splash
    GrreatTeacher Why oh why would they go outside to try to stop the violent guy?

    Because JW attendants are just like every other JW. Their only qualification for a privilege is that they do 8 hours ministry each month.

    They are untrained men, unprepared and clueless when it comes to anything other than greeting someone with a politeness as they enter the hall. Most are also physically incapable, either being too old or too fat.

    I can see it now, all the attendants looking at one another in panic not knowing what to do, then along comes Brother Assertive or Elder IHaveAnIdea and they all follow his foolish lead, ending up injured.

    I bet that the sisters there were the ones who said to call the police, they have no fear of usurping a clown elder and losing a position.

  • jhine

    The report does not indicate who called the police , the Elders may have told someone to do so before going out to tackle the man . That does seem rather gung ho , especially not knowing what weapons he may have had .


  • Splash
    GrreatTeacher Why oh why would they go outside to try to stop the violent guy?

    Classic example of what happens when you "obey any instruction we may receive whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not."

  • punkofnice
    This kind of behaviour is unacceptable in any part of society. When I read 'Waco' it made me do a double take.
  • username

    Having been homeless four times I can understand if this man had any affiliation with the watchtower previously. Although I do believe violence solves nothing what this cult does to peoples sanity is bloody awful!

    On the subject of this kind of incident increasing, I can only agree, in fact we are already seeing it increase. two months hasn't gone by where we have heard of another extreme act of violence. Most of us should have been living peacefully in paradise by now so we are now seeing the affects of false promises and lies whilst the watchtower sit in their ivory tower looking on and laughing gleefully as they are not taken to task for the many screwed up people they have created! And I fear it will only get worse if the new bill that prevents anyone speaking negatively against any corporation is passed!

  • steve2

    These incidents increasing? People see trends where there are none. Acts of vandalism agsinst Kingdom Halls and irate members of the public creating havoc during meetings were not uncommon in New Zealsnd during the 50s and 60s. It represented the time when JWs were much, much more outspoken and abrupt than they are now. It is rare for that to happen nowadays. Besides, crazed individuals have a range of different religious properties they can pick on.

    Today, we react like over-primed rabbits when occasional news item tell about a lone individual acting out on Kingdom Hall properties. And a few posters breathlessly view this as a trend that will increase. The sensationalist mentality persists beyond the JWs.

  • punkofnice
    I seem to remember a bomb in an Australian Kingdom hall 1985. Tragic.
  • Giordano

    Actually I think it was a fair point to make that they were quick to notify the police that they had a serious problem but steadfastly refused for Decades to notify the police that they had a child abuser in their midst.

    On the one hand they acted to protect the congregation on the other hand no protection for the children.

    As far as going outside.........well if it was a typical KH there would have been no windows to look out of. Also they may have felt that they didn't want him coming into the KH which typically is filled with a fair number of defenseless people. So I would not fault them for that.

    At the very least they should have gone out with the KH folding chairs in hand to be able to defend themselves or better yet lock and guard the doors and wait for the police.

  • Quarterback
    On the sign displayed in the news broadcast, it looks like another language is using the same KH. These Attendents are just not thinking. If it was me, I would of just opened that foreign language group's door and asked the trouble maker to enter that room. Then they would have had to deal with him in there. That is a good argument for inviting the Chineese to share your KH. Most of those guys know Karate.

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