When I watch a tv show or movie or even a ball game, I don’t want to be deluged with matters involving politics. Entertainers and sports heros should stick to doing what people pay them for. Entertain us and just do your job!
Has Politics Changed How You View Your Entertainment?
by minimus 19 Replies latest jw friends
Doubting Bro
Agree, I look to entertainment as an escape from that sort of stuff. Right/left doesn't really matter. Sure, they are entitled to their opinions as am I. But, no one cares what I think and I certainly don't care what they think.
I’ve stopped looking at award shows. ⬇️
When I watch a tv show or movie or even a ball game, I don’t want to be deluged with matters involving politics. Entertainers and sports heros should stick to doing what people pay them for. Entertain us and just do your job!
Politics has not changed my choice of entertainment at all. Christianity has. I found it very distasteful watching a movie and they squeeze in the plot that "God talked to me", and it has some kind of biblical twist. Big turn-off.
I don’t know too many movies were you get surprised it got talk to someone.
I'm tired of most "agendas." In-your-face" gay rights tv hasn't swayed me a bit. Emotional appeals about other hot-topic issues are taken with a dash of cynicism. I agree wholeheartedly. Remember when actors actually had talents that they'd occasionally showcase in a movie or a show? Dance, musical instruments, gymnastic ability etc.
Now it seems all they have to do is act like the person that writer tells them to act like and they're considered talented.
Has Politics Changed How You View Your Entertainment? - generally speaking, no not really.
I like the same things now that I've always done.
Just two small points:
1. I thought alternative comedians, such as Ben Elton, were great they way they ripped into the Tories (Thatcher & Major). Elton was genuinely funny plus he used humour to make serious criticisms of Thach et al, and Thatch et al deserved it. Then when Labour came into power (1997), it was almost like Year Zero. There would've been great comedic pickings in New Labour - figures such as Tony Blair himself, Cherie Blair, John Prescott, Peter Mandelson and others would have been great to lambast. But it didn't really happen. As a result, I can only watch 'edgy' comedians in small doses and when I'm in the right mood.
2. Movies: there are some things about modern, mainstream Hollywood that I don't like. I prefer movies of the 70s and 80s - these weren't hampered by political correctness, for starters.
BTW - looking good, Min!
Recently you've been too thin and purple.
Great to see you've put on weight and look red again.
Sure, for a good while..long before the presidential election... I have changed the channel more than once when I saw that a TV drama was trying to send a “message”. They must really think people are stupid!
I prefer to watch older movies and shows that are untainted by the media’s political bullshit.
I've gotten a bit tired of "movie stars" using their platform to espouse the political on their pet issues. I admire their talents and I am happy to pay for it. However, I do not think that the fact that they are a talented singer, actor, or athlete makes their opinion about political issues any more enlightened than my own and I am not appreciative of paying for their time to bore me with their opinions because I am their "captive audience".
Yep. I refuse to watch awards shows as they make me hate artists whos music i like. I refuse to watch movies with pointless sjw storylines shoehorned in.... movies that portray a life and how their world views shaped their choices are an exception to me. Malcom x, ali etc etc.. these are TRUE stories and i find them entertaining as well as informative but the forced naratives i decline to watch. Hollywood wont notice and im ok with that.