I just ended a 12 year relationship because of drugs. He did drugs and I did not. You can't have it both ways. I don't want that arround me or my kids. He would always tell me that he could stop at any time or that he did it when he got bored. Well find something else to occupy your time. Sorry, I hate drugs in any form. I ruined my family.
Opinions on drugs?
by digderidoo 26 Replies latest jw friends
The only thing I do that I can say is to some a little weird......is I like to mix ammonia, and charcole lighter fluid and paint thinner together and sniff it all before it evaporates. It's cool dude!
Hey.....not really
I would in all honesty have to agree with Valis.
I use drugs but they are prescribed ones. I have been on morphine for pain for nearly a year. I have had two different types. one was a low dose four times a day, now I am on a dosage of two a day and they are higher and last 12 hours. The problem is it isn't effective enough for me. So now next week the doctor will start me on the pain patch. I have forgotten the name. It is suppose to last for three days (DAYS). If it lasts a day I will be happy to have some relieve from pain.
I have made several attempts to use marijuana, but guess what it didn't work.
So I guess I am not to happy with drugs because they just don't seem to work.
Love Orangefatcat.
I've always found it interesting how some people are truly affected by drugs and others are not. I've never done anything other than alcohol and pot and it's never occurred to me to use it as an "escape". I've never not been able to NOT stop. But I know sometimes a person can't use anything recreational because it's not possible for them to stop without major issues. What causes some to have addictive personalities and not others? I don't know. *shrug* But give me a credit card and a shoe store - well...stand back. There is no stopping me then. LOL!
I don't believe drugs like cocaine, heroine, or X should be used by anyone. It doesn't take long for that to take a hold of any personality - addictive or not. I've seen too many great people get messed up on that stuff and it changed their lives forever...not always in a good way either.
I think they should be legal, here's why, and some food for thought. It strikes me as ironic, that kids can get crack cocain easier than alcohol, the difference being, alcohol is legal, and controlled, crack isn't. Not saying anyone should do crack, but I'm trying to show an extreme. Legalizing a substance gives the government more control over that substance, like alcohol and cigerettes. Not to mention tax revenue that is not being realized right now because they are illegal. Also it takes the money away from organized crime.
I'll say something for weed, smoke, bud, herb..,
Most of the people I know smoke weed. One is a supervisor over a big lumber mill and makes about 130,000 a year. The other RUNS a floorcovering store and makes about 70-80 grand a year. Another OWNS a floorcovering store. Another is retired and lives in a nice home on the pacific coast, and another is a neighbor who restores cars and has a nice home ....and many toys.
My point is ...pot does not destroy peoples lives and there are millions of people who use it and funtion as well as the next guy. Then there are ..."the losers". People who have no ambition other than getting loaded and sponging off of others and have no life. Fact is......they are probably that way with or without weed. Cannabis was the #1 drug in the US for quite some time and has quite a medical history behind it. The US government DEMANDED all farmers had to devote a percentage of their crops to growing it in the 1900's. .....Then the government stepped in and suddenly it became the devils advocate.
Do I encourage it. No........but to lable it as some have, is not the norm for everyone.
I have mixed feelings about legalizing pot, because I really, really LOVE it. I started using again about one year ago, and wish I hadn't. I'm asthmatic and it makes me wheeze and cough, but I can't seem to stop once I start. I'm running out and haven't had any for a few days, and I've been scrubbing floors and vacuuming like crazy. You know you really have a problem when your drug dealer is "shunning" you, because you're such an irritating pothead.
Alcohol, Coccaine, XTC, and speed didn't really appeal to me. I could take it or leave it. I have used Vicodin for back pain, but never felt that I needed it. I support compassionate use of marijuana, at the same time I'm afraid that if it were legal I would smoke it constantly. I wish i had some now.