What will you miss most from this system....

by expatbrit 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G'day Red,

    I agree with you, too. Witnesses seem to go through like in 'denial mode'.

    All those secret longings for things that are not wrong, but simply disapproved of by the Borg.


    Freedom is not having to wear a tie.

  • NameWithheld
    Also, do you know that the man who designed the first spacecraft for NASA was someone who eventually became a brother (or he was a brother, hmm)! Also, the MEPS? systems, you know what the Society uses to translate. A witness invented that.

    Ha ha, love those urban legends! One man designed NASA's 'first' spacecraft huh? And a J-dub at that. Oh and there's that amazing translating MEPS thing Ha ha! They don't even know what MEPS is!

  • RedhorseWoman

    Ozzie, your post caused me to remember a post from someone on Obed's old board...pre-Witnet. The title of her post was "Guilty Pleasures", wherein she mentioned that she really enjoyed listening to Howard Stern on her way in to work. She mentioned that she sometimes felt guilty about it, but that she enjoyed the show.

    She then asked others to share their "guilty pleasures". Not unexpectedly, the responses were high-handed diatribes about how wicked she was for listening to such a degenerate show, and how she was putting her very life in danger by doing so. Not one person mentioned any small "indiscretions" that were totally innocent but not approved by the WT.

    The poor girl was reduced to making abject apologies about her misconduct and untheocratic attitude. The whole episode was very sad.

  • slipnslidemaster

    Over just Listening to Howard?

    What would they do if they knew about my autographed copy of his book?

    Slipnslidemaster:Doin' the humpty hump...just doin' the humpty hump...

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