Many have spent years associated with JWS religion and having eventually left it for numerous reasons but if you were to directly pinpoint a source of the problem with this religious organization what would it be ?
In my personal viewpoint it would have be the core operation of literature proliferation and other products associated with the WTS. Corporation.
Once you think about it everything is focused around the operation of the WTS publishing house, its distribution and circulation of its published goods. The doctrines the WTS created were also devised to enhance and aid in the proliferation of the publications of what the WTS produced.
Those set doctrines of course were strongly enforced and protected, making an open criticism of one or any would get a member quickly muzzled and deposed of.
Members are expected and encouraged to distribute the WTS literature and hand in their hours of activity in doing so also counting the literature they placed.
People are closely scrutinized to their personal appearance and clothing at the designated Halls and when out in public, a strict code of appearance is strongly enforced over the members.
There has been a long standing propagation of soon to come death and destruction over mankind that if you dont do exactly what the leaders of the WTS say, you will be killed and your family at the soon to come day of judgment.
The falsity of those imposing doctrines made by the WTS. have proven false from both biblical and secular knowledge.
In other words Jehovah's chosen earthly publishing house have proven to be a pretentious underling commercial fraud, built and framed around subjective righteous spirituality.