We had a wonderful time at Ants graduation but of course my dysfunctional (no not JWs just dyfunctional )Sis the one I speak to, had to call to tell my Mother who had progressed Alzheimers, Lymphoma and has had a stroke had broke her hip and that during or after surgery she had a major heart attack.
For my I am perplexed as to why this isn't a BLESSING, for two years I mourned the loss of my Mother. She has had fewer and fewer lucid moments the last year or so. So she was facing the cruelty of the disease plus the pain of progressive lymphoma.
My siblings act as if my Mother was healthy and this tragic thing happend. They also have made them do three EEG's that show NO brain activity but is showing more and more seizures. They removed the respirator due to pnumonia but her respiration is only 5 breaths a minute.
I had to have Thunder field phone calls due to the verbal crap my middle sis and brother would love to impart on me. For instance the day of my sons graduation my brother who I haven't talked to in 4 years or so calls "YO this is Ray, is Sheila there." Thunder says yes we are getting ready to watch Ant graduate from bootcamp." Ray says "so, whatever".....Thunder hung up on him.
We have resolved to no longer answer the cell phone on vacation. They can not embrace joy they are tragedy vampires and they are rolicking it in right now. My poor oldest Sis is drawn into the fray because of her lack of boundaries.
They are furious that I will not go down for the funeral but for me I have begun to heal from losing my Mom and I refuse to rip open the wound and start over.
I have had some excellent advice on this from Shutter and XenaW but wanted to share with you all too.