New Tactic for Jehovah's Witnesses

by compound complex 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    BBC's comments on the trolley/cart work:

  • dubstepped
    The movement doesn't have figures for how many converts this part of its mission has produced. And it's emphasised that it's an addition rather than a departure from the door-to-door evangelism, but adherents are optimistic that the new tactic is making an impact.

    I like this quote from the article because it shows what the carts are really about. JWs get discouraged by the door to door ministry because nobody is ever home and they spend hours doing nothing. Now they still do nothing, but at least they're around people, there's a buzz around them, and they can always reason that merely by being seen they are witnessing. They also have to be approved to do this particular work, so they feel special. It is busy work aimed at keeping the illusion alive that they're really helping people. We all know that statistically they bring in few outsiders and most growth is from within. They don't want real numbers on things that matter, like converts from their work, they only want numbers based on activity (hours, placements, etc.). It's all for show.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    Even handed article but, though it mentions Armageddon, it doesn't say what it will do to those who ignore the cart witnessing.

  • steve2

    "The movement doesn't have figures for how many converts this part of its mission has produced. And it's emphasised that it's an addition rather than a departure from the door-to-door evangelism, but adherents are optimistic that the new tactic is making an impact.

    The UK Jehovah's Witnesses say that the May issue of Awake!, with its cover line Stress - Keys to Managing It, was the most popular of the current drive.

    "People were queuing up for a copy in the City [of London]," says Deep. "One woman asked if it was possible to take copies for her colleagues because she said her whole office was stressed."

    Given this article is from July 2014, it would be interesting to go back to these venues to see if the cart work is still going "strong". Perhaps they now have figures on converts or even "interest" shown by passersby.

    As for the queue allegedly lining up for the Awake! on stress - that sounds stressful in itself. I hope they stock enough of these journals to keep people stress-free.


    Even standing by the volunteers for an hour, it seems that few passers-by stop to talk.

    The movement doesn't have figures for how many converts this part of its mission has produced.

    Of course they do, Watchtower is obsessed with numbers..


    No matter how good you try to make a Zero look..


    Image result for number zero

  • steve2

    You can guarantee if the cart work was bringing in the newbies and/or generating Bible Studies, everyone would know about it - and in great numerical detail.

    This typically over-boiled JW-talk in the article of people "queuing" for the Awake! magazine needs closer inspection: How big exactly was the queue? And how many magazines exactly were placed?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    In the USA, the ardently interested "men of goodwill" (remember that term, steve2 and OUTLAW?) would be "lining up" to get their free copies.

    Do you feel that queuing figures should be equal to (or more or less than) those for lining up?

    Crossing the Ponds and its effect demographically is a just consideration.

  • nicolaou

    I went to the same meetings at Milton Keynes South congregation as Deep Singh for years. He was an okay guy but, strongly influenced by his mother, he went full on cult very quickly.

    I feel sorry for him.

  • careful

    Thanks for the link.

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    Watchtower January 1, 1924

    par 24


    For the encouragement of the faithful workers in

    the field we take this occasion to say that the records in

    our office show that during the last year the classes which

    have followed explicitly instructions and suggestions sent

    out from time to time by the SOCIETY, have obtained the

    best results and the workers have received the greater

    blessings. This is exactly as we should expect it. If we

    believe the Lord is directing his work in an organized

    manner, then what else could we expect than that he

    would direct his work in the sales of literature and books

    in a harmonious manner? We hope during the year to

    see every consecrated one engaged in some part of the

    service work, giving what time each can. We urge upon

    the classes, in harmony with the Apostle's admonition,

    that every class and every one in every class do show

    forth the same diligence to observe the prescribed rules

    for pushing the Lord's work and to do everything in

    their power to further the interests of the kingdom that

    is at hand.

    There can be no doubt the cart work is being blessed.

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