That's how my wife described herself to her sister, niece and former Bible student yesterday.
Are You A Non-Practicing Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends
Victorian sky
To dubs I say I'm inactive, in the real world I say I'm a Christian. - V Sky
To JWs I say I'm inactive. To everyone else I say I'm unaffliated with leanings to being agnostic.
edited to say: Remember when you would be ashamed to use the word "inactive" to describe yourself to others? Now, it's a badge of honor.
Not at all, but I've heard about someone using that term before. However, I thought that the person was simply someone who had attended a KH but never had gotten baptized.
Lady Lee
No way no how. I am a full blown and got the scars to prove it ex-JW
yes generally i do say"i am a non practiving JW, " or joke and say "u know like a back sliding baptist" . I say this to people who are not JWS. I say it b/c i do not want to publically say i am an XJW b/c it could get back to the elders. At that point they could try and force a DA . to JW i just say"i'm inactive, and ill". So far it is working.
Phantom Stranger
Yeah, I've used that term. I tell people that I practiced till I was as good as I was going to get, and then I retired.
That expression practice makes perfect.......well its bull s--t. I practiced for 30 some years to be a JW, but I just couldn't get it right, so I quit.
I try practicing to be a non JW all the time...*LOL*
District Overbeer
I am "practicing" hard right now to be a non-practicing J-Dub. Does that mean I am now welcomed into the Apostate Brotherhood?