If You Had Your Whole Adult Life Ahead of You....

by Frannie Banannie 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    If you had your whole adult life ahead of you, what career would you choose to pursue and why?

    I'd choose Marine Biologist or scientific research.....because I wouldn't hafta deal so much with people's attitudes, marine life is beautiful and fun, science of this planet is interesting....it *can* be a lucrative field, depending on which aspect of it I choose to pursue...

    Frannie B

  • tinkerbell82

    i do have my whole adult life ahead of me :) i just don't know what i want to be yet.

  • StinkyPantz

    I do have my adult life ahead of me and I have it planned out until my death . My career aspirations are as follows: Currently majoring in Forensic Science and Psychology. Upon graduation I hope to become a Crime Scene Technician or Forensic Scientist for a police crime lab ----> Special Agent for the FBI -----> Crime Scene Tech for the FBI ------> Criminal Psychologist or Profiler for the FBI

    Why? Well, ever since my best friend was murdered when I was a small child, I've had a passion for righting wrongs. Law enforcement has always been of interest to me, but also the "whys". Like, when would a father kill his three kids? So Psychology has also intrigued me. So how could I combine the two? Criminal Psychologist.

  • Hamas

    You only begin to realise what you want to do with life when you are too old to do it.

  • shera

    I would like to be a doctor, or a police officer.Those are two things I always longed to be.

  • GentlyFeral

    I'd return to my childhood dream and take up my mother's offer of a free ride through theatre school! If I'd only had the nerve to do that when I was 18, I'd have been one of those "didn't I see her in..." faces on the street. I loved performing -- loved it so much that rehearsal was every bit as much fun as the curtain call on opening night.

    But, no, I got religion -- absolutely the wrong religion -- instead. <assorted swear words> "Separate from the world," my sainted aunt! If that's not a "satanic verse," I don't know what is!

    Well, I can still carry out a related dream -- I'm putting a book of poetry together. Hope to have the first draft finished by the time I'm fifty.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    i do have my whole adult life ahead of me :) i just don't know what i want to be yet.

    Tink, whatever path you choose, just be sure to check out the "down sides" with others who've followed it before you, cherie!

    I do have my adult life ahead of me and I have it planned out until my death . My career aspirations are as follows: Currently majoring in Forensic Science and Psychology. Upon graduation I hope to become a Crime Scene Technician or Forensic Scientist for a police crime lab ----> Special Agent for the FBI -----> Crime Scene Tech for the FBI ------> Criminal Psychologist or Profiler for the FBI Why? Well, ever since my best friend was murdered when I was a small child, I've had a passion for righting wrongs. Law enforcement has always been of interest to me, but also the "whys". Like, when would a father kill his three kids? So Psychology has also intrigued me. So how could I combine the two? Criminal Psychologist.

    SP, sounds like a terrific plan, hon...to me that's one of the more fascinating aspects of scientific endeavor....annnnnd...you'll know where all the "bodies are buried" in a manner of speaking...

    Frannie B

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    But Frannie, I do have my whole adult life ahead of me...ask any of my friends!

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    You only begin to realise what you want to do with life when you are too old to do it.

    This is so true, Hamas....I didn't start seriously thinking about what I had wanted to do with my life until very far along in my JW sojourn....near time for my exodus...by then it was too late to reach for most of the paths I would've considered...

    I would like to be a doctor, or a police officer.Those are two things I always longed to be.

    Shera, those are noble goals, indeed, but as for myself, since I've grown older...when I think of those two professions, I think....lawsuits.... and......lawsuits.....

    I'd return to my childhood dream and take up my mother's offer of a free ride through theatre school! If I'd only had the nerve to do that when I was 18, I'd have been one of those "didn't I see her in..." faces on the street. I loved performing -- loved it so much that rehearsal was every bit as much fun as the curtain call on opening night. But, no, I got religion -- absolutely the wrong religion -- instead. Well, I can still carry out a related dream -- I'm putting a book of poetry together. Hope to have the first draft finished by the time I'm fifty.

    GentlyFeral, sounds like you've got it "in your blood"...let us know when it's published...K?

    But Frannie, I do have my whole adult life ahead of me...ask any of my friends!

    Well, then....you are one lucky ducky, Phant....I'd sure like to have another "crack at life"....

    Frannie B

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    What I meant, silly, is I haven't spent any time being an "adult" yet... so I have my whole adult life ahead of me ;)

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