One more PAGAN thing left to do!

by Beans 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Beans

    Well I think I have done it all now, for the first time I have placed a political sign on my lawn depicting my stand for a political party.

    As we are having a provincial election on October 2nd and people in my neck of the woods generally do not place signs on there lawn as in the big city I am very proud to stand up for what I believe will be better for this province!


    Canadian District Overbeer

  • JH
    I am very proud to stand up for what I believe

    Jesus and his kingdom!

  • Valis

    More like Jebus and his kegdom...eheheh...Way to go Brother Beans!


    District Overbeer

  • xjw_b12

    Just curious Brother Beans.................what colour is the sign ?

  • blacksheep

    Congratulations! A milestone.

    Not sure what your current situation is, but I bet the JW spy network will be thrown in a tizzy if/when they see it...

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    You'll sweat in heck for that, Beans!

  • Beans

    My sign is red, and I will tell you why! The last national election I listened to all the parties and in my opinion the NDP are whacked on on social plans and are in left field and the PC's kiss the white collar worker.

    In my view the Liberal party covers a better scope of the issues for all Canadians not favouring blue collar or white collar worker but they seem to me to be TCB in all aspects!

    But thats just me!

  • Gopher

    Congrats, Beans! You're getting really worldly, er, normal!

    You listened to all sides and made a coherent decision? No one else made your decision? How EX-JW of you!!

    Actually you're participating in helping make your nation and world a better place. Well done.

  • Valis

    Um Goph....Canada is a nation? I thoought they were just a suburb of Detroit of something...*LOL* Last year I stole a sign off of someone's lawn...It said "King Solomon For 236th District Judge"...*LOL* I couldn't resist. Apparently some local character who ran for judge's office often...*LOL*...Oh and Brother out for any hanging, dangling, or dimpled chads...*LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • xjw_b12

    Beans. My that was quite the spirited response. No caps or such, but I think your voice was raised and quite emotional.

    I kinda thought your colour was know Toronto Maple Leafs Blue !

    Seriously though...................Wilty Dilty

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