I have talked to peanuts...and was CAUGHT!!! One time when I was living in San Diego County, California....I was in a Ralph's Grocery Store.....now...I have a habit of discussing prices and such while I'm shopping....out loud....there doesn't hafta be anyone else there....I just discuss 'em with myself, since I'm gonna be the one payin'.....when I got to the nuts aisle.....and it was at the end of the aisle closest to the checkout lines, naturally....I began berrating the peanuts over their outrageous prices.....there was a loudspeaker for the store in the ceiling...directly over my head.....just as I finished my oratory to the peanuts, an employee BELLOWED something totally incomprehensible through the store speakers.....I'm extremely easily startled.....and as luck would have it, the store manager was just passing the end of the aisle where I stood doing my spastic, throwing my jerking hands up and jumping through my skin dance, because I thought at first the peanuts had answered me......the man bent over double laughing....I woulda kicked his arse if he hadn't peed his pants right there....harrumph!
So tell me....have yall ever done anything that turned YOUR face red?
Frannie B