Money brings out the worst in people.
" It says my sister can give gifts, spend it on whatever she wants, pay herself for working" that is the part I would have a court look at. State laws vary. The probate judge may hone in on this
by cha ching 26 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Money brings out the worst in people.
" It says my sister can give gifts, spend it on whatever she wants, pay herself for working" that is the part I would have a court look at. State laws vary. The probate judge may hone in on this
A prominent business owner here died several years ago. He was an amazing entrepreneur. When he passed he left an estate rumored to be 9 digits. An extensive estate. Anyway, his three children - a son and two daughters - had been at war with each other for a long time. After the will was read they immediately contacted their legal teams and started suing each other. After years of litigation, the ATTORNIES of all people told the heirs that they really needed to settle because if they didn't the estate would be consumed by legal fees. They heirs did settle and part of the settlement was that some of the families are no longer allowed to speak to each other.
I don't know if this is a good example of contesting a will. Splitting up estates can get really nasty especially when lawyers get involved.
I'd also google their estate attorney's office just to see what type of reputation they have out there.
Interesting wording above, as in she can do whatever she wants. That's a direct message to you and your sister.
You may not be able to prevail if you contest the will, but you definitely can tie it up for years. Once the other parties realize this, they may be more inclined to negotiate. If found guilty of any skulduggery, they could be personally responsible for any damages you suffer. These damages would have to be paid by them personally, not out of the estate.
Or you could just accept your mom's will and refuse to be a pain in the neck only a little lower.
Having a parent die and then observe the genuine christian love of siblings demonstrated while they stab you in the back and lie about you while they are grabbing money, bank accounts, etc. is not fun.
Thank you, Sigfrid, it was devastating...