My little girl goes to a babysitter 3 days a week. She is 2 and the other little girl is 3. They were talking about their Daddy's. So they asked the babysitter where her Daddy was. Carlotta told them her daddy died and he lived in heaven.
So, when I picked up my girl she asked me, "Is Daddy at home?" I told her he was probably there. Then she told me, "Your Grandma died. Your Daddy not at home. He's dead. He's at Karen's."
I said, "What?? Papa's in Italy. What happens when you die?"
Teryn said, "When you dead, you die you go to Karen's."
She is 2 (she turned 2 in May) so I laughed and still can't figure out what she is talking about ......... even after I called the babysitter to find out how this came about. I do know that she has been thinking about death because my Grandma died last week. She wanted us to go fix her. "Let's go fix Grandma" (actually sounds like: less go fix gandma).