Where do you believe the watchtower organization will be in 20 years?

by micheal 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    I think 10 years from now, there will be a great turnover rate. There very well may be the same amount of witnesses, but many of them will be different people than there are today.

    Some current witnesses will see the light, and leave. Perhaps at some point the WTS will lighten its viewpoints regarding such strange beliefs and attract others.

    But the most likely, is the same amount of people as now, with some dropping out, and the replacements being the kids. Just like now.

  • Farkel

    : Where do you believe the watchtower organization will be in 20 years?

    Why, in the Paradise Earth, executing all those who disagree with them, of course!


  • GentlyFeral


    Pentecostalism is where it's at now.

    Yes, but according to www.barna.org, Pentecostals amount to only 2% of the US population. Conservative churches are growing, because church-going adults tend to be conservatives who don't want to experiment; but in a given week, only 40% of American adults attend any kind of church, and this includes everybody from Catholics to Unitarians.


  • Benny Sikter
    Benny Sikter

    Thanks for your welcoming words,

    I left the congregation last year after being mistreated by the elders in my own home congregation and also by the brothers at Bethel here in Sweden. Because of this I understood that Jehovah's Witnesses are not able to show christian love in the extent Jesus Christ commanded his followers to do. An organization who do not love all people as Jesus did is condemned to disappear from the earth. (John 13:34, 35)

    Benny Sikter, Sweden

  • JH
    Why, in the Paradise Earth, executing all those who disagree with them, of course!

    That's more like in 10 years Farkel. Only those who lack faith think it's 20 years away.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    They are not some poor neighborhood church. They have tons of money. They'll be around. They'll adjust beliefs as necessary to stay in business, as they always have done.

  • xjw_b12

    Welcome Newbie Benny

    Where do you believe the watchtower organization will be in 20 years?

    That is the EXACT question the GB asked themselves at their last meeting. Even they don't know, and hell, the channel to god dosen't seem to be working well lately,,,,,, well at least the last 200 years or so.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Welcome to the JWD, Benny!

    Frannie B

  • codeblue

    Nice to have you here Benny!!!

    As regards to where will the org. be in 20 years: hmmm...based on their severe lack of love, like what Benny mentioned, I wouldn't be surprised if the numbers diminish quite a bit..or if it will FOLD.

    Many Jw's that stay in the fold now experience the lack of love and are disgusted...and that is why many leave the org. My next door neighbor and I got in a chat a few days ago about wanting to serve God but find all religion's so right winged, or political, and the lack of love shown, that they aren't impressed with any and just don't go to any church...I had to agree 100% with them....Told them both we are evaluating the religion we have grown up in and are taking a step back...


  • micheal

    I just thought I would make this a "hot topic" before it disappeared.

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