Thank's for the tip reagan I'll keep an eye out for the book you recomended.
by TheHighPriest 12 Replies latest jw friends
Thank's for the tip reagan I'll keep an eye out for the book you recomended.
Mommie Dark,
This isoff topic, but you mentioned the Cleveland Art Museum. I was there three weeks ago, and enjoyed the room full of the armor clad.
Are you a Buckeye? If so, where do you live? Don't tell me if the hounds (Elders) are still after you.
Mommie Dark,
You talk about reading the original readings and not commentaries.I`d
be curious how much reading you have done in the original languages.
Admitedly,there are many things I haven`t read as there is undoubtedly
no end to the sacred writings of various religions.When it comes to
ancient Japanese religions,however,I`m sure I have an upper hand on
most people on this board.I`m fluent in Japanese and have read and
studied much about Japanese religions in Japanese.When I go back to the States,I find that Americans are getting all excited about Japanese religous teachings in English which have been given a distinctly western flavoring(i.e. Zen, NSA, Tenrikyo, Singonshu,etc).
The `American Versions` which are being popularized among trendy
`progressive` people in the States bear very little resemblance to
the original thing. I`m certainly not familiar with all religions
by any means, but when it comes to Japanese religions and their
ancestors in China and Tibet, I`m very familiar.I`ve been there,done
that. JWD