I wanted to give my example to show it CAN be done, however
my family is ... how can I say it ...
... powerful and long-established, to tell the truth.
And to impart a little more truth, I think there is probably a lot of resentment in the local 'hovah community over this. However, we stick to the rules as outlined, so I guess (I dunno, cause I don't know any of them) they can't nail my parents for it, and HERE'S THE IMPORTANT PART
'as long as THEY want to see ME.'
I KNOW this is true since my brother, nephews, aunts, uncles, all choose NOT to see me.
So a word of caution to the hopeful, just because they CAN, doesn't mean they WILL.
Remember, you chose a path of freedom, don't let this get you down. They are making an unwise choice of the shunning path. It's not your fault, but theirs and YOU CAN'T CHANGE THEM.
This was a big problem for me for many years because of my big brother. It was so painful for him to shun me. But I realized finally that it was HIS choice and I had no say in it, so it was time to 'give it up'.
All those out there suffering b/c of this {{{{{}}}}}. Acceptance is a good step on the way to healing.
peace, love & happiness