The WTS ends up bankrupt
"I Guess We Won"t See It In This System Of Things..."
by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends
We won't see the END of the Watchtower" in this system of things."
We won't see the END of the Watchtower" in this system of things."
Please dont take away my hope minimus lol
sens-----Your "hope" is supposed to be only living in paradise earth. That's it. And that's not coming "in this system of things" either.
They're talking about not seeing tame lions before armageddon.
The Watchtower has to go to the circus for that one!
"But I find it so weird when I reflect upon that expression."
Probably because the farther you get away from the JW cult, the more non-sensical their notions seem. Cults generally possess a dialog all their own that solidifies them and helps explain reality without thinking too much. "This sytem of things" means life before Armageddon, which is bad, godless, run by greedy ruthless people, as well as Christendom and Babylon the Great. The entire "system of things" is bad, bad, bad. Wait on Jehovah for the "new system of things".
Sort of like JW's referring to their cult membership as being "in the Truth." Sounds ludicrous when you think about it. To the rest of us the "truth" doesn't categorically apply to one's entire way of life and belief systems. It's merely the opposite of a lie. (Interestingly, JW's are careful to refer to it as the "truth" only to other members; they must realize how ridiculous it sounds. For example, recently, a JW relative was giving me an update on an old friend we knew. She was careful to say, "she's not a witness anymore or anything like that..." Had I not been disassociated, she would have described her as no longer "in the Truth."
Blacksheep---Great response! The further away from the "truth" while "in this system of things", the more obvious it is how cultic Jehovah's Wtnesses are.
Jesus did say you must worship in spirit and truth . I think that's why the WTBTS is so eager to use the phrase" The truth ". I can however ,agree that the belief that the world governments are run by tyrants is pretty obvious . I don't think it's cultic to point out the obvious but to create a false reality . To follow an organization to the point of delusional reasoning .
Where's the "spirit"? The "truth" certainly doesn't exist as taught by JW's.......You know, a few years ago, a number of people thought the Witnesses were going to become more liberal, less strict. Reformed.... "I guess we won't see it in this system of things".......