Every well meaning visit by an elder, CO, etc. is always, always an incident investigation as well. Ignore them. Nothing good can result from giving them an audience.
Elder wants to stop by with the CO for a visit .
by NikL 68 Replies latest jw friends
Nothing good can result from giving them an audience.
But seriously, what bad can result? I mean, what are they gonna do DF me? For nothing? Go ahead!
My wife might see what a bunch of BS it all is.
If they are just coming over for your wife, then why do you have to be there? It sounds to me that they already moved on from you.
You have no idea what I just thought. lol
Big NO!!! They are up to no good
Since you go with her to the meetings they may consider you a 'soft' target and one that can be brought back as a publisher which will make both of them look good.
My Name is of No Consequence
If your wife wants to see them, have them meet her at McDonald's.
LOL @ evilApostate
Since you go with her to the meetings they may consider you a 'soft' target and one that can be brought back as a publisher which will make both of them look good.
Maybe, but I am not as soft as they think.
@NikL "But seriously, what bad can result? I mean, what are they gonna do DF me? For nothing? Go ahead!
My wife might see what a bunch of BS it all is."
If you are very careful then you may well get your wife to see what a bunch of BS it all is; but I think the chances are very slim.
If you sound off about ARC/Generation/Moneygrabbing etc. then at some point you risk the question "Do you believe the FDS/GB is speaking for Jehovah?" question.
Unless you are prepared to lie through your teeth err ... use theocratic warfare then the "wrong answer" to this alone can result in them deciding you have DA'D in front of two witnesses.
If you are prepared to lie through your teeth and prepare well then why not?
I don't intend to "sound off" about anything. It's their show.
What ShirleyW & DJS said.
When the CO comes to town, elders scramble to do what they haven't done in the last 6 months. And they also find "calls" to take the CO on.
If they insist on coming, if you know when, get out of the house for a few hours. The CO is too busy with so many matters and probably has bigger fish to fry.
So, any idea what's in store for me?
Depends on the personality and/or mood of the CO. Most likely he will just try to "encourage" you.
What you do depends on what you want.
Do you want things to just go on, as the status quo? If so, just smile, nod your head a lot, say bland banalities like "Oh what a good point" or "yes, I will have a lot to think about", or "I will surely make it a matter of prayer". Just smile & nod, smile & nod, be pleasant and agreeable. They will leave, tick the "done" box next to your name*, and you will have at least 6 months more of peace.
* You realize of course that that is all you are - a task thought up by the elders for the CO to do. His assignment is to do shepherding calls, so they rack their brains trying to think of who would be willing to submit to one. Your name came up. You are little more than a chore to be accomplished. Grin and bear it, smile and nod, and everything goes back to exactly the way it was before the visit.