Ecclesiastes 12:12
Just think about this for a bit.....
by Surreptitious 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
what does it say? I just threw my old bible away.
yxl1 - from the should have been a poet class
And further, my son, be admonished by these. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is wearisome to the flesh.
And further, my son, be anmonished by these. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is wearisome to the flesh.
Always wondered why this didn't apply to the WTS; then, reasoned, like a good little brain dead dub, that it only applied to wordly books.
Wild Horses.....always
JohnnyJane on the spot.And further, my son, be admonished by these. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is wearisome to the flesh.
I tried this approach in school, but my teachers were not very sympathetic. Seriously, if the WTBTS were to actualluy take that scripture to heart, they would reproduce it this way.....Of making many books there is no end...
The WTBTS and their famous 3 dots ... -
John Gill comments:
of making many books [there is] no end; many books, it seems, were written in Solomon’s time; there was the same itch of writing as now, it may be; but what was written was not to be mentioned with the sacred writings, were comparatively useless and worthless. Or the sense is, should Solomon, or any other, write ever so many volumes, it would be quite needless; and there would be no end of writing, for these would not give satisfaction and contentment; and which yet was to be had in the word of God; and therefore that should be closely attended to: though this may be understood, not only of making or composing books, but of getting them, as Aben Ezra; of purchasing them, and so making them a man’s own. A man may lay out his money, and fill his library with books, and be very little the better for them; what one writer affirms, another denies; what one seems to have proved clearly, another rises up and points out his errors and mistakes; and this occasions replies and rejoinders, so that there is no end of these things, and scarce any profit by them; which, without so much trouble, may be found in the writings of wise men, inspired by God, and in which we should rest contented;
and much study [is] a weariness of the flesh; the study of languages, and of each of the arts and sciences, and of various subjects in philosophy and divinity, particularly in writing books on any of these subjects; which study is as fatiguing to the body, and brings as much weariness on it, as any manual and mechanic operation; it dries up the moisture of the body, consumes the spirits, and gradually and insensibly impairs health, and brings on weakness, as well as weariness. Some render it, "much reading", as Jarchi, and so Mr. Broughton; and Aben Ezra observes, that the word in the Arabic language so signifies: the Arabic word "lahag" signifies to desire anything greedily, or to be greedily given and addicted to anything; and so may denote such kind of reading here, or such a person who is "helluo", a glutton at books, as Cato is said to be. And now reading books with such eagerness, and with constancy, is very wearisome, and is to little advantage; whereas reading the Scripture cheers and refreshes the mind, and is profitable and edifying. Gussetius interprets it of much speaking, long orations, which make weary.
We "pays our dime, and takes our chances." Life is for living.
Frannie Banannie
Of making many books there is no end, and much study is wearisome to the flesh.
This is especially true of the WT-BATS publications, since they contain so much wavering "light"....their words have become "like nails driven in"....into their coffins.
Frannie B
xjw, I just happened to have a Bible handy. I look up verses whenever someone post one so I have it here on my computer desk.
I've always thought that was a misprint.
And further, my son, be admonished by these. Of making many books there is no end,
and much study is wearisome to the fleshthank God!GentlyFeral
currently reading 3 novels at once. -
Funny, I was thinking about this today. I love to read and always have at least one book going. I figure I've read over a thousands books as an adult. Not including all the dud stuff, and college text books. Plus mags, newspapers on-line stuff....boy I'm getting weary,....NOT! Maverick