by Confucious 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • freein89

    Confucious, well I'm not absolutely sure, but I think you may be an ex-witness. Lets do the checklist and be sure.

    1. Feeling abondoned by people who professed to love you. Check

    2. Need antidepressants to manage daily life. Check

    3. Marriage-gone. Check

    4. Feeling scared and unsure of yourself. Check

    5. Hurt that goes to the depth of your soul. Check

    6. Fluctuate between longing for old times and old friends and wanting to tell them all to ram it sideways where the sun don't shine. Check

    Based on this diagnostic test we can say with certainty that you are one of the chosen ones, an ex-Jehovah's Witness. You are now a part of the group. Yes, that's right you ARE A PART OF SOMETHING BETTER. You now have the whole world at your feet. Time for another check list to find out for sure. You are one of us if you:

    1. Are free to develop a world view of your own. Check

    2. Are free to seek knowledge, truth and beauty. Check

    3. Can decide for yourself what you like and don't like. Check

    4. Are free to make friends that will love you for the unique person that you are. Check

    5. Are free to pursue an education and/or career that will bring satisfaction for YOU. Check

    6. Can dress in a fun costume and give candy to little kids when they knock at your door. Check

    7 Can believe in Santa. Check

    8. Can say what you want, feel what you want, be what you want, watch what you want. Check

    9. Possess the ability to make this list go on forever. Check

    Okay kid, your in. You are now officially part of the world. Now get out there and do and be and LIVE!

  • mizpah


    I can assure you that there is life after the Watchtower. You'll go through natural stages of withdrawal. There will be fear, anger and resentment. But there will also be relief, peace and restoration. You're in the early stages. My wife and I have been out of the organization for 20 years. We've never regretted our decision. It has come at the price of losing family members and friends. But we also enjoy the freedom we have from a cruel and unchristian organization.

  • Special K
    Special K

    (((((((((((((( CONFUCIOUS )))))))))))))))))

    It is sad that any religion can leave a person so " abandoned ", "hurting.. and lonely.

    I think you will be okay,. even though I know there are times that you don't feel that you are.

    Some people say.. "Take it a day at a time".. but sometimes, hurt and pain can be so great that you have to shorten that to "Take it one hour, at a time". If need be try that.

    Sorry about your marriage breaking up. That is another life crises on top of the one you already have exiting the J.W.'s.

    Keep writing, and talking to us all here. We will respond and validate your thoughts and feelings.. something the Watchtower Society is not so hot at doing.

    Free in 89 .. had some good points to think about and check off. I even checked some off myself.

    Also, try to see and pick out at least one good thing that you see or hear per day.

    "The smile of a child"

    " A funny joke"

    "Stars in the sky"

    "Leaves changing colour"

    "a bird at the bird feeder"

    Nature is really good, and can be a healing comfort.

    I find that has helped me through some bad times. Pick out one "kodak moment per day" .

    When I used to get.. really.. too low.. I used to drive to Tim Hortons and buy myself a donut, just to show how much I really did love ME.


    Special k

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Confucious, there's a lot of wonderful advice here....you're among understanding friends....vent...vent....and then vent some more....it's all part of the healing process....we're here to see you through this....

    Frannie B

  • sunshineToo


    You are not alone. Vent, vent and vent!

  • azaria

    I'm so sorry to hear about your pain confucious. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Just over a year ago I felt so much pain, was so lonely. I thought I was emotionally, spiritually dying. I left my husband and for me it was the right decision. Keeping busy and in your case making new friends (they are out there) would help you get over this pain. Thankfully in my case it wasn't the JW org that I left behind. My friends were always there for me. I can tell you from experience that you will feel happiness again! I personally think that pain can be used as a very important lesson; we may need to learn something or discover things about ourselves. (good qualities) I've vented here at times; my anger at the org. I'm thankful to have this place. My friends don't always understand how I feel about the JW org. so I really can't talk to them about that. (my mother is a witness-that is my connection to this org)

    You will smile again; maybe you already are!!

  • Confucious

    Thank you so much guys.

    Also, freein89 had some really good points.

    So much hurt. So much pain.

    I'm just so amazed that no matter where you live. No matter where you went. The results are all the same.

  • Nicolas

    I might be repeating what azaria is saying but yes, there is a light at the end of a tunnel. You have to keep your faith. Not your faith in a dangerous religion but your faith that life can be beautiful if you decide to appreciate it as it is whitout all the tremendous fear that we have to feel in the Watchtower. Almost two years ago, I was thinking of suicide, I thought that there was no hope for me in this world but now, I learned to enjoy everyday of my life and to don't care of the persons who are judging me. I'm presently studying at a cegep (what you are calling a college in US) and I hope that someday, I will be a social worker.

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