>>>>> ...for the same reason people enjoy their "Emperor Class" status. It makes them feel good, even though it means nothing. Same as the JW's isn't it?
Hmmm. Interesting.
You're not saying people are copying after the JWs are you, Chester?
Why are Pioneers so obsessed with time?
by truthseeker 24 Replies latest jw friends
The "time" issue goes back to the 1940s and beyond. In the July 1943 Watchtower magazine, the Society stated that failure to get in your time and cover your territory is rank unfaithfulness. Use of your time to serve Jehovah's in these last days so close to Armageddon means full time service to Jehovah and Kingdom interests. Regular Pioneers are identified by one central feature - Time. Otherwise there is no difference between them and Regular Publishers.
Time is the theme of the JW religion. The word must get out soon, before the end of the Old System because lives are at stake and not much 'time' is left. To be a faithful Reg. Pioneer, one must meet their 'time' requirements. If you are out in Service 60, 70 or 80 hours a month you are putting in more time ... to achieve this all-important 'time' goal you must spend time ... you must sacrifice time doing fun things ... you must buy out the 'opportune time' deep in this 'time' of the end. Time is a cult catch word that is predominate among the JWs. And I don't have anymore time to spend on this reply, as Armageddon is right around the corner, soon, any time now. - Jim W.
Special K
Its all just another "freakin" measuring stick.
Not only is the Watchtower Society hung up on time... but also measuring.
"time and measuring up sticks"
Your never measuring up and doing enough and you never have enough "time"..in service
clock watchers, time watchers, measuring stick watchers.
time of the end, time for service, time for meeting, time for incidental witnessing,..blah, blah blah.
I knew this elder and his wife.. everything was putting in time. . while all their kids came home from school with nobody home, house cold, no fire started, dirty laundry piles all over the house, supper time would come.. parents not home.. children hungry and cold....nobody to help with homework..
xjw.. great hamster wheel illustrating a J.W.
special k
The more time, the better they look. ( But is all the time they count, accurate)?
free will
---"It seems that 'saving people's lives' is less important than 'getting their time in." i never thought of it that way. yet another piece of proof.