AUST: QLD Cairns Post - Tablelands police charge former JW with offences against children

by darkspilver 13 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Jeffro


    You are right the article is not the same as the BCG case.

    I believe Angus was questioning Ron de Rooy about another case not related to BCG that happened in the Mareeba congregation.

    watch the video again my understanding is that Angus is not talking about BCG's father. Ron de Rooy says he vaguely remembers dealing with this person.

    Sorry, yes I realised after I posted that you were talking about a different case that was mentioned as an aside. I was only going from memory of watching the videos months ago when I initially replied.

  • darkspilver

    I understand that the OP article has been 'republished' in The Cairns Post's 'local sister' paper The Tablelands Advertiser, that covers the specific area of the case in question.

    The Tablelands Advertiser - Friday 10 February 2017 - page 4

    Tablelands man accused of indecent treatment

    The article appears as per the OP, with name changes from 'The Cairns Post understands' to 'The Tablelands Advertiser understands'.

    There is just the one additional sentence that has been added immediately before the last sentence:

    "Detective Sergeant Corcoran said they were referred the information from the Royal Commission and commenced an investigation in April last year."

    Therefore it seems that the referral from the Royal Commission took place before the public hearings for Case 29/JWs as they where held in July 2016.

  • OrphanCrow
    darkspliver: ...
    Therefore it seems that the referral from the Royal Commission took place before the public hearings for Case 29/JWs as they where held in July 2016
    • No. You need to check your dates, dakspliver. You are one year off.

      The public hearings for Case 29 - the Jehovah's Witnesses - were held in July 2015

  • darkspilver

    OrphanCrow: No. You need to check your dates, dakspliver. You are one year off.

    Oh wow, yes! Mea culpa. I'm completely wrong - really strange because the hearings still seem so fresh in memory. Thanks for correcting.

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