Here's another reason why I like this place. You get to connect with people that post along with their experiences. This place broadens your horizons. I believe there are many, many wonderful people here!
Reasons Why We Like or Love Jehovahs-Witness Discussion
by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends
Lady Lee
I'm here to pester you all to help make cookbooks
Hmmm ok let me start again
I'm here to connect with others who offer support and understanding to others who have suffered at the merciless policies of the WTS
hmm closer
I'm here to make friends
well yes but. . .
I'm here cuz I like you
Yup that's it I like you all
I come here to watch the Moderator Game.
It's called "Hit the Post(er)" tm Played in the same format as "Hit the Gopher" tm
Hit The Post(er) tm
**NOTE: Best if viewed with the newest version of Internet Explorer.**
Imagine each radio button is a poster's hole.
When the poster's "head" pops up, "hit" it with a click of your mouse.
You win 1 point per hit, and lose 1 point per miss.
Now, how many posters can you hit in 60 seconds? Scores: 15 hits = Lock the Thread 20 hits = Delete the Thread 25+ hits = Delete the PosterTime: Score: Mo
Moderator's Start Your Mouses!
Actual link:
I was 1 shy of "DELETE THE POSTER"....Could this be a sign???
On my one year anniversary back in August 04,2003 I thanked Simon and many others and gave the reasons I have liked this forum,it has been very therapeutic for my family on our slow fade out of the WT.Society.We have been helped by many including you Minimus.And I hope that I too have been a help to still others as well.
Frannie Banannie
Min, I'm happy here cause there's so much FLUFF! And if I can't find fluff in a thread, then I try to "shine" some "lite" on it.....
Frannie B
min, good ???
- others with shared experiences
- information
- insomnia
- addictive
- fluff
- recipes
- love to debate
There are so many different things a person can get out of this board. It can be serious, funny, crazy, a little wild and sometimes a little slow. But I'd like to say once again that if Simon did not put this site here and run it so well, thousands of people would not be helped to learn the truth....THANK YOU SIMON AND ANGHARAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It keeps my attention span nice and short
Because I'm a pathetic loser with no life...that and the free ale Simon sends me.