I'm cancer free
I am so relieved. With everything else going on I didn't need a diagnosis of cancer to add to my problems. Saw the Dr this afternoon and got the good news
Also the pain has really subsided and I have only had to take 2 ibuprofen in the last 36 hours.
And more good news - I saw the podiatrist and finally have a confirmed diagnosis of Plantar's Fasciitis and Morton's Neuroma. The test results are not in yet for the Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).
I picked up an orthotic this morning that had been made from a cast of my feet. It is so badly made that they will have to redo it. It provides no support for my arch at all so I will be sending it back for another one.
The good news is that the podiatrist says that if I get the right orthotic that barring the RA I could be walking with a lot less pain in about a month
Things are looking up