WHy do I get crazy symbols and stuff half the time I try to open a thread?? Is it Satan??? :(
Why is this site all crazy looking like a crazy thing?
by Amandasunstableboyfriend 16 Replies latest jw friends
It is Windows XP. Blame Bill Gates/Satan whoever. As a fellow XP user, I can relate. Several techniques keep the gobbedygook at bay:
1. Try TYPING in the thread you want to go to in the address line. Then use that address when you want to go back to it.
2. Try pulling up the thread using History instead of Back.
3. The WORST for junk is active/default.ashx. If I actually type in a NUMBER, like active/7880.ashx, gobbledygook gone.
4. Sometimes going Back and then Forward again fixes the problem.
Good fortune to you in your search for clarity, and WELCOME TO THE BOARD.
WHy do I get crazy symbols and stuff half the time I try to open a thread?? Is it Satan??? :(
The same reason "Why...": ...did the dinosaurs become extinct? ...do people die in natural disasters? ...is there war? ...were the Teletubbies created? ...is there death? ...do astroids smash in to other planets somewhere in this Universe thus destroying an advance civilization that was going to make contact with Earth the next day? WHY??? Because you touch yourself at night, and you should be ashamed.
Yeah. When simon compiled the new improved site program, i slipped in some junk code. Heh heh.
Actually it's because your stupid board alias is too god damned long !
I have no idea what you are talking about.
Elsewhere You are one wingding of a wingnut, or is that webding..............whatever
SS...Behave Plz...lol
I used my magic decoder ring and discovered elsewhere's secret statement:
I have no idea what you are talking about.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
LoL Elsewhere