Interesting quotes about belief in God

by cruzanheart 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cruzanheart
    Like when I am outside, and I take my shoes off, I can feel "something" from the earth. Not dirt in between my toes so much, but a sense of connected-ness-- like energy or vibration.

    Odrade, if you do that in Texas chances are the "connected-ness" you feel is a mound of fire ants -- ouch!!!

    Seriously, though, I'm glad to see those quotes touched all of you as they did me. I like it because each one of us reads the same words and feels different things, yet we are all connected in our feelings. We are in harmony in our individuality and I think that also sums up this board and its purpose. We fight like cats and dogs about politics, sex, and various other things, but we are all connected by that damned JW shared experience that brings all of us together in the first place. And no matter what our politics or lifestyle, if one of us is hurting the majority rally 'round that one to give comfort and support. Pretty cool.

    I highly recommend both "Angels & Demons" and "The DaVinci Code." The writer is obviously very intelligent and manages to educate while spinning a VERY suspenseful story, full of things to make you think while you're excitedly trying to figure out what happens next.



  • talesin

    Actually, my therapist recommended the DaVinci Code. Tks for the reminder, Nina. Will do.


  • JCanon

    Hi Nina!

    Those were nice quotes. I was touched by them!!!

    You know, God understands this and how the world of Satan's propaganda has messed things up. The people claiming to believe in God are the main culprits that honest people get turned off on. But God does respond to those searching for him..

    Thus in the end, "many from eastern parts and western parts" will be in the kingdom, just because of their own personal "divineness" seen by God, whereas the "sons of the kingdom" (many religionistic Christians and JWs) will be passed by because they missed the point.

    When I look up at the round moon I think: "Oh ohh!!! That's not a mistake! Somebody put that there!..."

    Thanks, again, for the quotes.

    BUT....(ahhh, just when I had a nice short post!!!!....)....

    While MOST don't have to worry about "temple" and "sacred" issues, some of us "religion" is not necessary for everybody, probably?, but for SOME who had specific details to work out in the greater plan, it's intensively critical, so....I don't blame anyone for dumping religion, but the Bible and all that stuff is "divine" and it has it's purpose, but one that will be specific to a few of those involved with the early phases of God's plan. So....though I've enjoyed dumping the slavery to the organization, I'm an intense Biblicalist and find joy in scripture as well as nature..and ASTRONOMY!!! Astrochronology is one of my areas...right?

    Have a blessed day....


  • Beans

    Very interesting thread, and some great replies as well.

  • DanTheMan
    "I did not ask if you believe what MAN says about God. I asked if you believed in God. There is a difference. Holy scripture is stories . . . legends and history of man's quest to understand his own need for meaning. I am not asking you to pass judgment on literature. I am asking if you believe in GOD. When you lie out under the stars, do you sense the divine? Do you feel in your gut that you are staaring up at the work of God's hand?

    I don't know of too many people that can look up at the Milky Way on a clear night and not get a chill at the awesome vastness of it all. If this is "sensing the divine", yes I feel it. But I have developed an aversion to the word God, because that word has so much anthropomorphism and fanaticism baggage attached to it.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Apart from questions of religion, the Bible, etc, the exquisite yin-yang inter-dependence of all ogranisms on our biosphere, and the staggering complexity of the universe, from the infinite to the infinitesmal, testifies convincingly of an inderlying creative Intelligence. All our experience teaches us that order can not be acheived and maintained without outside intervention; and to believe that all we see and experience-- the planetarty movements, the miracle of human and animal reproduction, our bodie's capacity to heal without the application of conscious thought or effort, emerged from chaos and randomly, requires a greater leap of faith than to accept the obvious -- a supremely intelligent Designer.

  • rem
    Apart from questions of religion, the Bible, etc, the exquisite yin-yang inter-dependence of all ogranisms on our biosphere, and the staggering complexity of the universe, from the infinite to the infinitesmal, testifies convincingly of an inderlying creative Intelligence. All our experience teaches us that order can not be acheived and maintained without outside intervention; and to believe that all we see and experience-- the planetarty movements, the miracle of human and animal reproduction, our bodie's capacity to heal without the application of conscious thought or effort, emerged from chaos and randomly, requires a greater leap of faith than to accept the obvious -- a supremely intelligent Designer.

    Maybe you are thinking of it backwards? How could a universe that came from randomness and selective forces acting on that randomness not look like what we have today? What else would you expect? On the other hand, I would expect a much different looking universe if it were designed by one or more intelligent beings. rem

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