Baptism pre-new questions - signed anything?

by Phantom Stranger 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    I was baptised around 1978 - don't remember the date anymore. This was before the "organization-centered" baptism questions.

    Did I sign anything in order to get baptized? Was there any paperwork involved? If so, what was it, and where can I look at a copy? I remember going over the questions in the black book...

    I know it sounds silly, but I was 12 at the time...

  • cruzanheart

    Hey, that's a good question! I was baptized in 1965 (you young 'un, you) and I seem to remember signing a book . . . .? booklet? piece of paper? Maybe I'm hallucinating . . .

    Anybody out there remember signing something?


  • Robdar

    I seem to recall signing something but it could be a false memory. I was baptized in '74, the year before Armageddon came.


  • Euphemism

    Baptized in '89, pretty sure I didn't sign anything.

  • Odrade

    '86. I did NOT sign anything. But it was also the first? year of the Organization-centric public declaration baptism questions. My pre-baptism questions were taken from the current book: Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry. I did not sign anything before, during or after the pre-baptism questions either.

    Incidently, one of the elders who went over my questions with me was the local child molester. I remember we used my dad's office, and he pulled his chair forward until his knees touched mine. I didn't think anything of it at the time 'cause the office was small. How naive I was! Icky. Thanks for the forgotten memory! LOL!


  • GentlyFeral

    Baptized in '73, the year before the baptism questions changed. I was 18. There was nothing to sign.


  • onacruse

    All I remember signing was my copy of Preaching Together in Unity...not a condition of baptism; more like an heirloom.


  • Wolfgirl

    I was baptised in 87. I signed a piece of paper after my baptism. It had a few questions on it (can't remember what they were). I remember asking at the time what it was for, but no one would answer me. I always wondered about that.

  • cruzanheart

    That's it, Craig!!! I remember signing that too. It was supposed to be a precious treasure, but I have no idea where it is now . . . .


  • undercover

    Baptized in 76-77(can't really remember). Nothing to sign until standing in line coming out of the dressing room on the way to the pool. Brother stationed there asked if we were ever baptized before, wrote down our answer, then we signed what looked kind of like a sign up sheet. I figured it was just so they could keep proper count, but who knows what they did with it.

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