I listen to Christian Radio Star99.1 and Talk Radio New Jersey 101.5
by RAYZORBLADE 18 Replies latest social entertainment
I listen to Christian Radio Star99.1 and Talk Radio New Jersey 101.5
the only times I can listen to the radio is when I am driving, and I do a lot of driving. 3 weeks ago, I had to have the car battery changed, and since then, the radio does not work anymore. I have a VW Jetta which has one of these (stooooopid) anti-theft device. I've tried countless times to re-enter the code, and I know I've done everything right, but still, the radio won't work... I've asked different car repair shops and noone knows what to do... I would have to find a VW dealer, and the closest one is 40 miles away...I hate driving without the radio... Anyone can help ?
102.1 the edge.
Mine was always WWV, the shortwave station that does nothing but tell the time.... Ah yes, I can still hear it now as if it was 40 years ago when I first listened...
Tick...Tick...Tick...Tick...Nation Bureau of Standards, WWV, Fort Collins, Colorado. Next tone begins at 14 hours 22 minutes, Greenwich Mean Time Tiiiiick...Tick...Tick...Tick...etc., etc.
Oh the memories!
(Hey at least I didn't pick WBBR)
Favorite Twin Cities stations:
www.wlte.com (continuous light-rock favorites)
www.kfan.com (Sports talk radio; Vikings - NFL and Timberwolves - NBA broadcasts)
(Hey at least I didn't pick WBBR)
You're probably aware that there's been a new WBBR in NYC for several years. And it's a great news station. We get it here in Canada at night at 1130 kHz. I listen occasionally because an ex-JW friend of mine works as an editor for Bloomberg Broadcasting, the owners of the station. The station is also on the internet.
I'm an old fan of WWV too. I used to set all my clocks and my watch by it about once a week. If any of the WWV frequencies gave good reception, I used to spend a couple hours roaming the shortwave bands for other English-language stations.
Hey Ray
I agree with Michael. 102.1 The Edge.
Sounds like we once had similar interests. My dad bought us short-wave radios when we were very young, and it provided an interesting activity when we lived in Missouri. I was a good DX'er for my age, and I logged a lot of my finds on tape rather than send off for QSL. With my dad there to enhance the antennae or look for weather patterns that might help, I was able to log hundreds of SW worldwide, and even some very unexpected LW and AM receptions. From Missouri I could get a lot of Canadian AM, but my farthest lateral East-West DX might have been, if I remember my recording correctly....."and next we'll be discussing the advisability of putting a puppy under the Christmas tree. This is KFI, Los Angeles." This is not an activity I could easily get my own kids interested in today.
that is my favorite station!!! 102.1 is very cool