Thousand of witnesses do it every year and for what they believe are good reasons. I did it because I was pressured by elders. Its interesting to note how elders can target young people into committing their life to something they really know nothing about. Parents seeming to throw all caution to the wind sit back and let their children make an adult decison. All of us here at one time stood up before a crowd of other witnesses and answered three questions. How do you feel about breaking your vow to serve god faithfully for the rest of your life?
Do you regret ever getting baptized
by ikhandi 24 Replies latest jw friends
Sometimes I do because since I left the JWs my relationships with my JW relatives have been strained. But in a sense they would probably have been strained anyway even if I had never been baptized. In a sense getting baptized allowed me the opportunity to serve at Bethel and that was really the catalyst that helped me to leave the JWs. I should really send Bethel a thank you card for their assistance helping me leave the JWs. ;)
Jeff S.
P.S. Congratulations on having the foresight to get that PT degree.
Do I regret ever getting baptize??? Yes, every waking moment of my life! I was already baptized when I was an infant and I should have left it at that. My bad!
I do not regret my baptism. Jesus gave instructions to get baptized. I regret that I got involved with the JW's. Although I gained some insight into scripture from them in the beginning. I got baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 1965. I did not dedicate my life to an organization.
How do you feel about breaking your vow to serve god faithfully for the rest of your life?
I haven't broken my vow to God. I sincerely believe that leaving the JW's as soon as I knew they were hypocrits was a show of faithfulness to God. I am now free to serve him for the rest of my life.
All of us here at one time stood up before a crowd of other witnesses and answered three questions.
I've only had that happen at Karaoke bars
1) Can you sing some Guns N Roses?
2) How about some Skid Row?
3) I really like Bon Jovi. Can you sing his stuff?LOL! I've never been baptized. I was getting lots of pressure from elders and many other R&F JWs. After you finally get pushed into being an unbaptized publisher, they REALLY push the issue of baptism. At the meeting, right after my UP announcement, everyone was asking when I was getting baptized, and continued to do so especially after any talk I gave in the TMS. Something seemed incredibly wrong with everyone asking me this question. I also knew the consequences if I wanted to get out.
I regret that I did it in the jw organization.
I was very happy for my devotion to god. But very unhappy it was with an angry, murderous cult.
Victorian sky
I've never regretted anything more. I got baptized at 16, nobody pressured me, I believed everything I was taught. Now my choice makes leaving more complicated due to family ties. You know it's funny, the thought that I was breaking my vow to God kept me in for 2 more years. I had never made a vow before and I wanted to be a person of my word. Now, I know that I didn't break away from God. I broke away from a control freak, blood guilty organization and I'll never regret that. - V Sky
My baptism was the catylist that opend my eyes to the truth about the "truth". That day I vowed to get out as soon as I could, of course at age 12, it took me a couple of years to get away. I've never regretted the catharsis of baptism as it remains a totally meaningless ritual to me. One that has been abused through the centuries as a means to control by the clergy.