Arab AlJazeera: "Scientists say prayers work"

by Gerard 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Robdar

    Isn't prayer linked with a God of some sort though?

    I think that prayer was a poor choice of wording in the above article. I also think that you are too quick to think of pink unicorns and so mentally block what the research is saying. As a matter of fact, you think of pink unicorns much more than most people I know of. Got a bit of a fetish going on there?

    I have participated in experiments of thought projection. I am involved in one right now. My friend and I are writing down when we send each other strong thoughts and when the other picks them up. You would not believe how accurate our times are. I think that we have missed it once.

    There is a member on this forum that I have experimented with and gotten great results. Perhaps he will tell you his story. Perhaps not.

    The mind is very powerful. We all have symbols and archetypes that work for us. Some better than others. If praying to a pink unicorn causes the praying person to believe, that belief will empower the mind and get better, quicker results. It isn't whom the petitioner is praying to, it is the intent and strength of the person's thought form.

    Prayer, pink unicorns, whatever. All I am saying is, don't get distracted from what the evidence is saying. To do so would make you no different from the believers that you disdain.


  • robhic

    Did the article mention anywhere or was it taken into account that the people who were unaware of being prayed for may have just been doing praying of their own? That would negate positive results thru co-incidence. If they didn't know others were praying for them but did so on their own, then the mind would have been similarly affected and the results would be skewed.

    Like Derek said, double-blind is to remove all element of chance. If folks in a double-blind study had access to what was being tested on their own and had positive results, it would not be because of the studied medication or whatever but because the person did it themself. (Did that make sense? ) The test would be a failure.

    I'm a strong believer in the mind's ability to heal but this study has a "snake-oil" sound to it... Not to offend anyone.


  • peacefulpete

    I guess your wry humour was misinterpreted.

  • petespal2002

    why shouldn't prayers work?

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