You know the saying, you have to earn respect. Has God earned it? Thousands of years of human suffering does it all for me. I don't respect him. Now I am not asking if he exists or do you love him. Do you respect him? And if you do, why?
Do you respect God?
by micheal 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If he exists, no.
Of course I respect myself... even after a night of being naught with an apostababe!
I respect the fact that if God exists, he must be a powerful bigot to have done the things he is proported to have done.
It's funny I'm listening to that song "Foolin" while I'm reading this....
Is anybody out there?
Is anybody there?
Does anybody wonder?
Anybody care?Oh, I just gotta know, if you're really there, and you really care.
After all that, I have no answer for your question. I believe there is a God, and he created all this shit, but I don't think he's earned my respect
...then again, I'm not sure if there really is a god. I guess I'm confused :P
I love my dog.
oops damn dyslexia.
Thunder Rider
Stinky and Gadget got it straight. How could you respect some one who created our world only to let it rot under the boots of wicked men?
Thunder ==}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Ignored One.
Double Edge
Yesterday, Cruzanheart posted this:
I'm reading Dan Brown's book "Angels & Demons," which is kind of a prequel to "The DaVinci Code," and I'd like to see what you all think of these quotes:
"I did not ask if you believe what MAN says about God. I asked if you believed in God. There is a difference. Holy scripture is stories . . . legends and history of man's quest to understand his own need for meaning. I am not asking you to pass judgment on literature. I am asking if you believe in GOD. When you lie out under the stars, do you sense the divine? Do you feel in your gut that you are staaring up at the work of God's hand?"
I think Dan Brown's quote is quite telling. For the most part, our opinions of who God is are from what MAN says God is, not who He really is. Therefore, any bashing of God is ludicrious, because in reality you're only bashing mankind's image of who He is supposed to be.