..you can fool some of the people…………

by yesidid 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dawn

    Mine was when my father told me I could read the bible but I would never understand it without the help of the "faithful and discrete slave" - something clicked - I saw right through it and knew they were elevating themselves above the holy spirit.

    Poor dad - he tried so hard to convince me to come back - he never knew it was one of his own comments that actually sealed the deal.

  • 95stormfront

    Actually I have to thank some unknown person at a door when I was with my wife in service. This kindly gentleman walked us into his home listened to our speil and then started peppering us with questions about the founding of the JW religion. We both were tripping all over ourselves trying to explain to him that it was Charles Russell who actually founded the international Bible Student which later became the WTBS. I vaguely remember him asking me a lot of other questions. In hindsight, I see now that he was trying to get us to come to the conclusion ourselves of the great lunacy that is the JW religion.

    I remember going to the service conductor and talking to him about what they guy was asking us and asking if he'd accompany us to the guys house thinking that he would be better able to answer this guys questions in which he refused. He was just as afraid of answering questions for this guy as we were ill equipped to handle his questions.

    But my all time enlightenment came when I decided to go back to school to better equip myself to take care of my family, and I had elders in my house everyother weekend telling me that I was wasting my time....more meeetings.....more service...yada...yada...yada with my wife sitting across from me agreeing with everything they said while in the meantime we're drowning in a see of increasing read ink.

    I knew then that I had to take back control of my life whether or not it pleased them and their WT god.

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