Good day former jdubs, I'm a new member, particularly looking for IT experts whome can verify if the jw apps track its members and record audio, particularly the khonf app. If you download app on google play store and click the headphones, a pop up requiring user to click pop up to enable audio recording is displayed. I'm minorly aware of the evolution of tech and tracking scandals. I can download the android studio on pc to try to verify its code, but I myself am not a very good coder, debugger, etc. I fear these apps will enable jw to track its users audio, pictures, website cookies, etc. Especially since these apps have terms and conditions. I'm also aware they currently use the zoom app for meetings online. Can say you're family whome are tech noobs, send you're information to these individuals blindfully. I'm aware these need a host server domain. They've been pushing lots of applications lately. Is there a way to know the code underneath, whether they are violating privacy laws, etc.
IT experts
by Youngaposthate 15 Replies latest forum tech-support
I hope you can get the answers you are looking for Youngaposthate ( love the name) Sorry I can`t help you ,but welcome and stick around once you have found what you are looking for ,this is a great site for exJW`s .
I cannot really believe that the Watchtower Society busies itself with tracking apostates or it's members .
It is true that when one logs into KHConf or LiveKH you are asked the number looking at it and one of them asks your name"for the count" . I never wanted to give my name on line so I used put random letters in and it accepted me.
Zoom also asks your name because you are taking part in a vid conference call and the Watchtower Conductor takes answers if you volunteer one. I cannot see this going any futher than the local congregation.
That said, I am certainly not a tech expert. I am just giving an opinion based on my experience of this Society.
I think you should assume that any company tracks as much about you as they can and the platform allows, because that data is valuable to them to make decisions about their services and possibly to others in ways you may not imagine. Even Ring doorbells sell access to their cameras to local police forces - street level surveillance! Any home-automation / digital assistant such as Google Home, Amazon Alexa and others are constantly listening to you - imagine if they track your political views for instance, no way that could ever be misused ... right?
However, it's also true that many developers are lazy / crap and platforms and permissions are confusing and complex, so often apps ask for more access is required because people aren't sure what they need for the app to work and it's more work making them ask for things as they are needed, plus most users just click "OK" because they want to do the previous thing they clicked on - use the app.
If they don't recognize a person on KHConf phone in, they go around asking other elders or servants most likely (because the elders sit on ivory thrones figuratively) if he recognizes this number. If they don't recognize the number they can kick you off, and in the last year or so, probably would, unless you are in a particularly chill congregation. Now there's an oxymoron. I've heard them bragging about throwing an unknown number off the line. So, someone goes through their contacts, and says, yeah that's so and so's number, keep 'em on. It's a little hub bub it at the meeting among the servant body and the sheep are like "what's going on?" (because they are bored out of their minds). KHconf keeps track of the minute you call in and the minute you hang up, and keeps the info for at least months if not longer. They assign a name to the number in the system. I would not doubt it has an archive feature. Or at least weirdos can screen shot the results. You can print off who was on for the longest the last 3 months or whatever length of time you want, 4 months, etc. It counts up their minutes and tallies them. Brother or Sister crazy that calls in 30 minutes early always wins.
Welcome Youngaposthate! I wish you luck in your endeavors and am curious about their results.
So I'm getting my laptop. I'm hoping to read the code underneath through android studio. I can guarantee apple has a bit more security and harder to read code and require a license to develope. I'm a novice in coding but can definitely use this as a learning experience. I'll even try to update you guys in this venture as much as possible. Probably take snapshots or upload code on a github page. Collect any files and upload em.
Chances are they cant exploit apple code but the fear is mostly them using remote tools such as remote servers. That'll imply connecting to there terms and conditions and kinda like the russian FaceApp, these remote servers can collect lots of user content without your knowledge. Lots of novices in tech dont use VPNs and encryption so it can be dangerous. Always read the terms and conditions. Especially with sects, these guys are every bit of legal documentation possible.
I think you should assume that any company tracks as much about you as they can and the platform allows, because that data is valuable to them to make decisions about their services and possibly to others in ways you may not imagine
.. is the data for sale? Maybe it’s not supposed to be, but we know how the world works
Well I'm a bit concerned, particularly in the copyright infringement. If I access these apps and disclose it here, what are the chances of a dmca takedown or jw interference, lawsuits.
I'm planning on collecting the files, not very difficult considering the apps in android are java. Trying to read em might be complex a bit. Since apps crossrefernece through different files do compact the code. But its definitely possible. What will be the safest way to do this.