bye bye
by Hamas 58 Replies latest jw friends
Hamas..... I'm probably one of the assholes you speak of. I don't agree with much of what you say, and I guess the feeling is mutual, eitherway, I hope you're not feeling too down and pissed. You have alot of guts for sure, I did notice that.
Take care of yourself. Scooby.
how did you know it was you scooby?
I didn't ikhandi. I don't know who's upset him. We just didn't see eye to eye at times, but then he was never backwards about coming forwards himself. Like I said though, good luck to him if he's decided to move on, the bloke has guts, he'll be ok I reckon.
we're going to miss Tittles.
Well....since hamas lives way far away from me......and can't find me.....I'm gonna say this.
I have seen a very big heart in a guy that also sometimes chokes me up a bit with his care for people and his warm welcomes to new ones. He is as sweet as pie when others are sweet too. But..........
.......when he gets pissed........he gets pissed to extreem as others I have known have done and says stuff thats plain to aggresive. Ya gotta choose your words and deal with your temperment better my bud. I know it's hard to change your natural way of reacting........but a different ATTITUDE on all matters might make it happen.Think how others must be thinking.....then be honest with that evaluation.
Anyways.........go hit your pillow or something for an hour, have a big drink, and whatever, then come back tomarrow and tell us your very sorry and how much you miss us already.
(*gumby gives Hamas 3 smiles so Hamas won't kick his ass*)
Big Tex
Sorry you're leaving Hamas. Stop by once in a while to give us a big Howdy.
Will miss your point of view, staunch hatred of the bORG and unique brand of humour. Maybe you would consider just 'taking a break'?
hoping this is not forever,
Hamas is on a learning curve, he is going to learn that the addiction to this site does not stop when he says goodbye.
See ya later matey, I will also miss ya, even if it is only until you get cold turkey.
Oh no! Won't you reconsider? You will be missed.