We just received an invitation to a JW wedding soon and debating whether to go. Our decision here: It's a young person who was very close friends with our kids (our kids have decided that they will all go as they have no issue with "telling it like it is" if confronted by some pompous ass JDub). We, however, aren't sure if we want to deal with all of "the questions" that we will likely be hit with: Where are you guys attending meetings now? Why aren't you guys attending meetings now? What can we do to encourage you? (I've got the answer to that one: "What makes you think we are discouraged?")
Our "fade" has gone quite smoothly and without nagging visits or calls. (It's quite obvious that no one gives a sh^t that we're not there.) Still, we are not subject to absolute shunning when we encounter JWs. In fact, most are quite friendly and would only shun if they were commanded to do so by the bOrg rules. So, besides the bothersome questions, we fear there is the outside chance that attending could put us on the radar and jeopardize the "status quo" we have attained in our fade.
So it's a bit of a difficult choice. One one hand, we'd like to go with our biggest smiles to advertise, advertise, advertise to everyone that Life Is Good after leaving. We are not wallowing in the gutter involved in illicit drugs, promiscuous sex, and worldly vices (although I do feel I missed out on some of those "vices" when younger), nor are we depressed and suicidal as a result of "leaving Jehovah". In fact, outside of dealing with the problems of getting older (since the New World is about 40 years late and still hasn't arrived just yet), we're living a pretty comfortable lifestyle, traveling, spoiling our grandkids, and best of all -- sleeping in on Saturday and Sunday mornings! . . . . . . . . On the other hand, why risk all that? We really find that we don't have all that much to talk about now when we stumble upon former JW friends. The conversation gets strained rather quickly. We don't want to babble on about TTATT and get the Eldubs breathing down our necks. It seems like it might be better to just send the happy couple a big check and wish them well and invite them to visit us when and if they wish to get better acquainted with the new mate.
Thoughts or experiences?