THANKS, RunningMan!
About a year ago I was doing some reading on HWA and I discovered his mention of 1975, but the information I had did not make it clear exactly WHAT HWA was expecting in 1975. I even wrote to the guy who runs the biggest Ex-Armstrong "apostate" site "The Painful Truth" (a play on Armstong's magazine, THe Plain Truth) and asked him about what I saw as parallels in the chronological expectations of Armstrong and the WTS (specifically, Franz). The fellow replied, but he did so without answering my questions - maybe he just wasn't as "into" the HWA teachings as I hoped he would be, maybe he wasn't interested in a dialog with an apostate of a different flavor.
However, just for the sake of clarity, I would like to point out that the 1949 WTS book "The Truth Shall Make You Free" contained the earliest Franz chronology and it "pointed" to 1972, if you bothered to do the math. It didn't come right out and say 1972, but it hid it in the simple arithmetic. This book is available on the Watchtower Bookshelf CD, an independant publication, available from the Quotes website.
I wonder if we'll ever know of Franz had a subscription to "The Plain Truth" - I'd bet money that he did, because the WTS wasn't shy about having commentaries from every other Tom, Dick and Herbert. I'm sure they filled the empty hours waiting for the Holy Spirit to whisper in his ear once again.
Thanks for bringing this forward.
If anyone is interested in an excursion into a parallel universe, here are some sites of interest:
THE BOOKLET "1975 In Prophecy" complete and on-line! A HOOT!
Text version of the booklet (none of the cool graphics)
A commentary written in 1978 on HWA's prophetic failure. Sound familiar?
Basil Wolverton was a talented artist, and a follower of HWA. This stuff is great, in a twisted apocalyptic sort of way...
Can you say "true believers"?
HWA also had expecatations for 1972!
"...I had been a member of the Worldwide Church of God (WCG) for several years. Founder Herbert Armstrong had bombastically led his supporters to accept the year 1972 as the deadline for The Church to be whisked to a "Place of Safety" prior to the Great Tribulation, which would be followed by Christ's Return in 1972. When this failed, a number of followers had become disillusioned and left the organization, but a large percentage had not..."