by plmkrzy 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I personally think that we all have something to teach each other. It was the early Christian church that was led by chauvinistic leaders that put women down. As a matter of fact if you do a study of the early Christians women played a bigger role and held prominent positions within the movement, It was the later church that became male dominate.


  • stillajwexelder

    ashitaka says ........If I've learned anything in my life, it's this: any creature that can push something the size of a melon out of a hole much, much smaller, deserves all the credit in the world. I love women, and I trust them as my friends. My wife and I are best friends. Also, I LoOOOOOOve strong women. Any woman who can kick my ass or beat me in chess is A-ok in my book.

    My thoughts exactly -- I worship the ground women walk on -- I loveevery bit about them -- and the WTBTS would be a much better place if there were women on bodies of elders and especially on the Governing Body -- Strong women are wonderful -- there are some great women who post on this board - -Xena and Vivamus wrapped in Bluebubblegum are but two -- there are many more and I would love to meet you all some day

  • Beans

    It's a basic misconception by cultures and religious groups that are old school and believe that women are still meant to cook clean and produce offspring!

    Thats it!


    Canadian District Overbeer

  • LittleToe

    As a general rule, women are more spiritually inclined than men.
    They are also generally harder working, coz we'll work our 8-12 hour shift then expect to be pampered

  • gumby
    That believe women have nothing of "real value" to teach them about life in general or even about spirituality

    I don't believe that. Were it not for my wife I would have done some dumb stuff in my life. I must say that society has shaped me about other women though. I can't stand a woman DJ on the radio....and when I was a christian.....I didn't like seeing women at the pulpit. I suppose being raised with bible beliefs you learn to only trust a man in area's of teaching and authority as that is how the bible is portrayed......and much of society. I do know in my heart and mind women are as brilliant and talented as men..........and they look waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better too!

    Kisses from Gumby plummerI highly respect you and would love to be in company with you in a drunken state of mind.............if my wife wouldn't get all mad.


  • Brummie

    I gots to say, even when I was JW I didnt hold women in low esteem, never have done.


  • plmkrzy
    I don't trust anything that bleeds 7 days a month and doesn't die

    ROTFLMAO! whiping iced coffee of my monitor

    Gumby that was the sweetest thin anyone has said to me online in a long time... hickup

  • gumby
    Gumby that was the sweetest thin anyone has said to me online in a long time...hickup

    Plummer....I knew brummie was going to try and steal your heart from me with his "I have never looked down on women" comment. He's nutin but a big flirt and says crap he doesn't really mean just to rile you babes up. I heard he made women clean the crapers during hall cleaning when he was a big wig. He's a bad man.


  • JeffT

    My wife is my best friend. Right now we are at the points in our careers where she's the one that's working sixty hours a week to make her pet project fly, and I have the seniority to just go home at 5. I do almost all of the cooking, cleaning, laundry etc because it works for us. After sitting on the computer all day, I like to come home and cook something nice.

    Add to that: my boss is a woman. And she was born about the time I graduated from high school. Put simply she's the best person I've ever worked for.

    Does this answer your question?

  • Thirdson

    I think I know a lot more about the Bible and its content than Mrs Thirdson but I think she knows a lot more about Christian thought and teaching and spirituality than me. She knows a lot more than me about current issues within protestant churches than me. We share in saying Grace at dinner and she doesn't have to wear a Kleenex on her head either.

    One of the best things I discovered outside of the JWs were women priests and preachers. When Mrs Thirdson and I married we chose a female Episcopal priest and friend to conduct the service. Since I am quite prepared to trust women with the responsibility of my care from women surgeons to women pilots I don't have a problem with my spiritual welfare entrusted to women either.


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