I’m curious if any of you posters who say there was no real racism... are any of considered persons of color??
Did You Think Jehovah’s Witnesses Were Typically “Racists”?
by minimus 60 Replies latest jw friends
My Name is of No Consequence
Looking back on it, I knew some "closet racists".
My local congregation had JWs from different ethnicities but it was majority-white.
There weren't any racists in that congregation, or if there was, they'd kept their rampant white supremacism on the down low.
There were one or two teenagers who said typically stupid teen-age jokes - e.g. one woman was called Connie and because she was of color (actually ethnically Indian, despite originating from the West Indies), one silly boy thought it was funny to name her 'Coonie' - not to her face or to any adult, just to other teenagers.
But apart from that, no - no racism.
Racism is the belief that your race is genetically superior. Just because your avoid someone or dislike someone is more an act of bigotry.
I hear what you're saying but I think it's not quite right - believing that races are genetically different isn't racist, it's a scientific fact.
Crossing the street because you see a bunch of black immigrants in an alley-way is not bigoted or racist. You can have whatever prejudices you want toward whatever group you want based on your own and others experiences, this is basic human self-preservation behavior.
Where things become bigoted is when you assume that someone who is black must be criminal with no other context than their skin color.
Where things become racist is when you then change your behavior toward them because of that bigotry.
Its not fair to say racist if someone has those views and apply it to the whole. This is what the left does today. Someone had a slave 175 years ago so whites are to blame today. This is just stupid as stupid can be. So lets say one elder, MS ect has some racist views they did not fully hide. That has little to nothing to do with the cult. The cult has a lot of things wrong with it and to try to paint it as racist is stupid. It only detracts from the real issues.
"believing that races are genetically different isn't racist" Read exactly what I said. Believing genetically SUPERIOR is racist. Its a given that the races are different. This is not good or bad just different. Its culture that is the issue when someone is bigoted. Like I said I've known many people that are discriminated against because of culture. This is both sides of the aisle (white vs black vs Hispanic vs Asian). This culture bigotry also includes rich vs poor, city vs country, type of job, even clothes one wears.
The news media is the one that has brainwashed and programmed the RACISM mind set that people default to when someone is disrespected.
Island Man
No. Racism certainly exists among JWs. But that's not the same as saying that JWs are racist. As a group/religion, JWs are not racist, unlike the Mormons, Hebrew Israelites, KKK are/were.
stan livedeath
in my first 2 congregations i atteneded--in my teens..there were quite a few black afro caribbean families ( UK-Birmingham area ). no racism between the white and black ethnicities--but i know there was between the different caribbean islanders--trinidad vs jamaica etc.
I know of some black people who look down on other blacks because they weren’t so black. Lol
Pete Zahut
Did You Think JW's Were Typically "Racist"?
No not typically but as in any cross section of the population, but there were those who had to unlearn or constantly keep their old non JW approved attitudes in check, no matter what race they were.
A person may be fascinated by fire, talk about it a lot etc. but he's not considered to be an Arsonist until he actually sets a building on fire. When it comes to racism, it used to be that you actually had to do something harmful to someone because of their race. These days it seems that all you have to do is disagree with someone of another race, use a wrong phrase or tone of voice and you could be thought of as being an all out racist.