I'd like my new name to be TipToe if that's ok. It's my little cat's name and I'll be tiptoeing around all of you after what I said...
My new name
by TipToe 41 Replies latest jw friends
Like we all said here, your apology was accepted. No need to tip toe around us. We are a pretty reasonable bunch most of the times.
I found your first post of ranting quite amusing, knowing that you were ranting at the wrong crowd. I'm glad you stuck around to find out who we really are. We'll enjoy having you here.
Awe ... memories - we used to have a cat called that when I was little.
Glad to see that you stayed. Go on and just keep posting, put the past where it belongs. We all need to vent and rant sometimes.
Welcome, TipToe! Post a picture of your kitty -- we love seeing cute cats pictures (see Brummie's avatar). Big Tex and I have two basset hounds, which if I were naming according to their attributes, would be Sleepsalot and Tripover. However, they are Dexter (who is 12 years old and entitled to a lot of sleep) and Ladybug (who is 1 year old and ALWAYS underfoot).
Stacy Smith
Are you sure you don't want to adjust that name to Disgusting Toes? That might be good.
Welcome to the board TipToe
Hi TipToe,
We already have a LittleToe ......so another toe should not hurt. Now we need a bigtoe and a pinky.
Simon, how will my name be changed to my new name?? I will try to post a picture of my kitty
Hi Soon to be Tiptoe!
It needs to be done through the database, Simon will probably do it later tonight when he gets home
Why don't you use X-DBYA Kinda like XJW, only without the J, seeing you were never a JW, but you were a DBYA ................ah never mind.