Of course we are all American in America, we assimilate.
I?m terribly sorry, but I think you need to look up that word before you use it again. Here, let me clue you in.
Assimilating 2 a: to make similar b: to alter by assimilation c: to absorb into the culture or mores of a population or group
As America has grown and developed, immigrants have been absorbed into the culture and mores of the existing population, contributing what they can to it. The multiculturalism movement that is gaining momentum today promotes the opposite of that.
Multiculturalism: of, relating to, reflecting, or adapted to diverse cultures
What multiculturalism promotes is the practice of changing American culture to reflect the practices and beliefs of foreign nations and peoples. It champions the adapting and changing of our own proud traditions and ways of life to suit any and every group of people who come to this country for the purpose of partaking in it?s benefits, without appreciating it enough to conform in the least to the American culture that made those very benefits possible. They are not made similar, they do not absorb the culture or mores of the group. Assimilation, my friend, is on the downslide.
What the teacher was trying to get across is, "culture".
Fine. America has a culture. Why couldn?t some kids get American culture across? Are you saying that America doesn?t have its own culture? That American culture is worth less than other cultures or for some other reason isn?t worthy of representation in a lesson which focuses on culture? I would take issue with any of those statements.
To say the kid has no culture is unbelivable !!
The kid does have a culture. Its called American culture.
All of our Ancestors came from somewhere other than the US.
Yes. And all humans are supposed to have come from northern Africa. So whenever there?s a culture day anywhere in the world, the Japanese can?t wear conical hats, the Arabs can?t wear turbans, the East Europeans can?t wear them fuzzy things they like so much, and Americans can?t wear baseball caps. Everyone has to come to class naked. Right? How far back you wanna go? Who gives a damn if the kid?s great great great great great great great great great great grandfather happened to be born somewhere else? The Romans were in the UK for a time, does that mean that on culture day in London, everyone has to eat pizza? The Normans and the Saxons fought for control of England and when the war was over, the victor, who was the invading party, didn?t say that, ?cause we weren?t here first, we can?t have a culture of our own.?
The kid is American. Jean shorts and a t-shirt are American (though note I did not use the word ?exclusively?). Burgers and fries are American. That is her culture.