...is an epic triumph is emotional manipulation. Bringing together all of the stories they told thus far and placing them int he "new world" complete with the little boy who was killed in a car accident coming back from the dead.
I have a good friend who is stuck in with family and plays the role. He said everyone was crying, and the people next to him rated the videos by how many tissues they needed to dry their eyes. "That last one was a 5 tissue!", his neighbor stated.
What struck me the most, is 3 things.
1) This was not shot on a green screen. They used actual places, IN THE WORLD THEY LIVE IN NOW, to shoot this. Want to eat fruit, build a home, sit on the beach......why wait!? Do those things with your loved ones NOW. Everything they showed, they showed in current real time. this longing for something that does not exist, is what is really amazing to me.
2) Its what was not present. The billions of dead people. The places needed to make their clothing, horse bridles, and violins. The complete chaos. I must say, the JW version of the end of the world is pretty damn tranquil. Like Hindu cows, with nothing to fear apparently.
3) It is just me or were their amorphous outfits at the end reminiscent of the people that the Morlocks would eat in the old Time Machine movie. Anyone? Are the GB just Morlock puppets getting ready to use the faithful as food? I find this as plausible as anything else taught at the convention.