I would willingly give my life to save my child. I'm sure that would be the same answer for most parents, but how about those people without kids?
Is there anything you'd willingly give your life for?
by Happythoughts 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I would give my life for my child. That's a given. But I believe that there are a few people that I would also give my life for...not that they would ever ask. But, should it ever come down to it...I would.
Me too happy...for my child especially.
If push came to shove I'd probably die for alot of people...
The push someone out of the way of a train scenario is an easy one, most people would do..The hard one is making a deliberate decision to die for someone.
I would lay it all on the line for a really good apple fritter.
Umm...honestly I don't know. Any family member I am sure. Probably any kid/student.
I guess the thing about putting your life down for someone/something else is, you don't know when it will happen, or under what circumstances, so it's kind of hard to say.
Yah, the hard part would be making a decision to do it rather than spur of the moment type deal. For anyone other then my child it would have to be a decision... know what I mean....
Special K
Interesting topic..
I was just thinking about that today.
I know I would give my life in an instant for my 3 kids.
I would take a bullet for any one of them. I would be hit by a truck to push them out of the way. If someone was going to hurt them I'd scream for them to hurt me instead...
I spent this morning at the childrens hospital with our youngest.. 8 years old.
What goes through my mind,all day now, is WOULD I GIVE ONE OF MY ORGANS to save my son?
As time progresses, I wonder when our lives will be altered in some family crises way with all this.
The good thing is that I will never have to face the blood issue ever.. over this one. Getting out of J.W.'s has its benefits. And at least now those poor J.W.'s still in it can have organ transplants.
And yes.. I would give him one of my organs.
The scariest part for me would be if he runs into further trouble and I wasn't able to give him one of my organs because of incompatibility.
life can be tough sometimes, can't it?
special k
Hope everything turned out fine with your child. That is the ultimate fear, having something wrong with my child. I'm like you, would give any organ my child needed. Wasn't there a movie about that, a father that wanted to give his some an organ but it would kill him to do so?
Special K
Thank happy thoughts.
Things are just okay for now.. but things could be alot better.
If you think of the movie your talking about .. let me know.
I saw the one with Denzel Washington.. is that the one you speak of.
The one where the hospital didn't want to give his son a transplant because they didn't have as much money as someone else did.
special k
Utopian Reformist
I would die to save children, my immediate family. As far as causes are concerned, I prefer to live to fight another day. Especially since there are guarantees, proof, or evidence of anything other than this three dimensional existence.
I have learned to appreciate life as a remarkable gift and treat it like I would babysit an egg, being extra careful how it is handled, afraid to break it and trying hard to keep it steady without dropping it. -
I'd like to donate the organs of all past and present Governing Body members..except Ray Franz.
Their Gonads!.... family Jewels...twig and berries..you get the picture
Special K its scary for me...My daughter looks like me (she can't help it) picks on people like me but has the same blood type as her devoted Dub mother.....If she needed blood or an organ It could not be mine.