Yes ... you heard me correctly. Sometime ago we saw how Chimps made tools by using other tools. We saw how they learned language and could construct a basic sentance on their own, as well as learn to read a little ... well now ... a new study has been completed where monkeys were paid tokens for completing certain tasks ... the monkeys saved up their tokens ... and then they were offered to trade their tokens for things like food, etc. When some monkeys saw that other monkeys were getting a better deal - that is fewer tokens expended for the same product - they rebelled and threw a fit over the unfairness and inequality.
Only sentient self aware beings with a soul can have such a sense of fairness and equality ... where do these little beings now fit into the grand scheme of eternal life, heaven, hell, salvation !? Where do they fit within the scope of Gawd's plan? Only new Revelation can explain this ... or maybe evolution has provided the missing link afterall? - You be da judge.